Rolo’s Rolo’s Rolo’s Rolo’s Rolo’s Rolo’s Rolo’s Rolo’s Rolo’s
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#Restaurant #Burger #Italian #American #Italien
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"Jeremy Allen Whites fave restaurant "




"Polenta bread, crudo, lasagna, pork - all delish"


"À tester !!!! Prendre des entrées et un cocktail et surtout goûter les lasagnes crispy au feu de bois"


"Polenta bread, burger, 2 sheet wood fire lasagna"


"Jeremey Allen whites favorite restaurant "


"Jeremy Allen whites fav nyc "


"Jeremy Allen White's favorite restaurant in nyc"


"Calabrian Chili Polenta Bread Wood Fired Lasagna"




"Allen Jeremy White interview"


" Jeremy Allen whites fave"


"Jeremy Allen Whites fave restaurant "


"Burnt cinnamon ice cream Crispy lasagne Jeremy Allen Whites fave restaurant "


"Calabrian chile bread, two sheet lasagna"


"The favorite restaurant of the chef from THE BEAR on hulu"


"very good upscale, kind of far out in ridge wood, but if you were going to nowadays it would make sense"


"Girl works as sus chef. Cute sweatshirt "


"Burger is the highlight. Burger was very good! Flatbread also great, and pickled carrots were solid. 2-sheet lasagna was good but not as mindblowing as hyped. A very good neighborhood spot but prly a little hyped, you can find these in your neighborhood. "


"Bacon burger and lasagna. Eater"




"Easygoing venue featuring a cocktail bar & a wood-fired grill, plus a daytime cafe with baked goods. Emily Schultz top restaurants 2022"


"Rolo’s- Brooklyn restaurant, could go before going out in BK"


"jeremy allen whites favorite restaurant "


"First dinner by phillip's ridgewood apartment "


"Gramercy tavern old people "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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