Cathédrale de Salisbury
Cathédrale de Salisbury Cathédrale de Salisbury Cathédrale de Salisbury Cathédrale de Salisbury Cathédrale de Salisbury Cathédrale de Salisbury Cathédrale de Salisbury Cathédrale de Salisbury Cathédrale de Salisbury

Cathédrale de Salisbury - Monument Historique et Culturel

La Cathédrale de Salisbury est un chef-d'œuvre d'architecture médiévale, abritant la plus vieille horloge du monde et une carte du XIVe siècle. Ce monument historique regorge de trésors, tels que des cloîtres et des gisants de croisés, qui témoignent de son riche passé. En tant que musée vivant, la cathédrale offre aux visiteurs une immersion dans l'histoire et la culture de la région. Vous pourrez participer à diverses activités, telles que des visites guidées, des expositions sur la Magna Carta de 1215, et des ascensions jusqu'à la base de la flèche pour profiter de vues spectaculaires sur Salisbury. Plongez dans l'atmosphère unique de ce lieu emblématique, où l'architecture majestueuse se mêle à l'ambiance paisible du close, offrant un cadre idéal pour des moments de détente et de découverte. Ne manquez pas de consulter le programme des événements organisés tout au long de l'année, allant des visites thématiques aux concerts en passant par des activités familiales. La Cathédrale de Salisbury est un véritable joyau culturel à explorer absolument lors de votre visite dans la région.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Architecture #Monument #Cathedral #Visite #Activities
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Magnifique cathédrale médiévale avec ma plus vieille horloge du monde, une carte du XIV, un cloîtres et des gisants de croisés, vraiment à faire. Toute la ville historique est belle"


"Salisbury Cathedral has been a place of worship, welcome, and hospitality for over 800 years. Its Spire (the tallest in the country and a feat of medieval engineering) rises to a breath-taking 404ft/123m, guiding travellers, merchants, and pilgrims to the historic city. The story of this great Cathedral is a tale of defiance and ingenuity that begins back in 1218, when the Bishop of Salisbury abandoned the original cathedral at Old Sarum, and moved down to the banks of the Avon, where the Cathedral stands today. You can learn the reasons for this move and about the people who made it happen by following the new family-friendly trail inside the Cathedral. You can also discover how one of only four surviving original 1215 Magna Carta came to the Cathedral and view it in a special exhibition explaining its origins and continuing relevance to our lives today. There are knowledgeable volunteer guides who will welcome you when you arrive and answer any questions you may have. If there are enough guides available, they would be happy to give you a free tour of the Cathedral floor. Explore behind-the-scenes and uncover the hidden secrets of the construction of the Cathedral. Climb 332 steps in easy stages up to the base of the spire with one of our expert guides and experience spectacular views of Salisbury from 223 ft up. Tickets available on the Salisbury Cathedral website. Time in the Cathedral is marked by the tick of the oldest working mechanical clock in the world, accompanied by the sound of water trickling from the contemporary baptismal font. The modern blue ‘Prisoners of Conscience’ window dominates the East end, a powerful reminder of the sacrifices that many have made, and still make, to protect freedom and justice. In the Cathedral’s Refectory Restaurant, ancient and modern combine with the glass roof offering a stunning view of the Spire above. Next door, the Cathedral Gift Shop offers a wide range of products from homemade chutneys to jewellery, books, and traditional travel mementoes. From late Spring until Autumn, the seasonal Bell Tower Tea Rooms provide a wide range of snacks and refreshments, served at tables and chairs on the North Lawn. Outside, the Cathedral’s close is Britain’s largest, an oasis in the city with rolling green lawns fringed by historic houses - perfect for picnics! There are four other attractions to visit in the Close - Salisbury Museum, The Rifles Museum, the National Trust’s Mompesson House and Arundells - each offering a special insight into the history of this charming city. Be sure to check what’s on before you visit – the Cathedral hosts a wide range of tours, musical performances and family friendly events throughout the year. It is dog friendly too – as long as your furry friend is well behaved and on a lead!"


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