Chong Qing Special Noodles重慶特色小麵
Chong Qing Special Noodles重慶特色小麵 Chong Qing Special Noodles重慶特色小麵 Chong Qing Special Noodles重慶特色小麵
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#Restaurant #Chinese #Noodles #Drinks #Chinois
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"#77 Best Restaurant by LA Time in 2023 There is great pleasure in a platter of fried chicken, especially one as deeply snackable as the Gele Mountain Chicken at Chong Qing Special Noodles. The chicken — cubed into bright, chile-stained morsels — is crisp yet meaty, and seethes elegantly with the vivid, tingly fragrance of Sichuan chiles and peppercorns. Chong Qing Special Noodles is a sparse, low-key strip-mall dining room in San Gabriel with a menu of nearly 100 mostly Sichuan dishes, including the finger-staining Gele Mountain Chicken. You no doubt are here for the excellent noodles. There are thickish you po noodles streaked with tart vinegar; zhajiangmian with pork and black bean paste, more savory than spicy; and the house special, Chongqing noodles — springy and light, with a brooding spiciness that leaves you wanting more. Get an order of the “numbing” dumplings, slippery, garlicky half-moons filled to bursting with minced pork and thrilling amounts of red chile oil. No alcohol. Lot parking. Credit cards accepted.Read the Los Angeles Times review »"


"The late Jonathan Gold was a tireless defender of Chong Qing Special Noodles, which sits a bit hidden away from SGV’s main drag. It’s worth finding this noodle shop, which has more types of dishes than three restaurant menus put together. The noodle soups and flavor-laden dan dan noodles are worth ordering."


"changing noodles: (10/10) thick, chewy noodles, savory and mildly spicy soup, nice balance between carbs and veggies xiaolongbao: (9/10) juicy, big, lots of meat inside"


"Mikey chen went here with steven lim from worth it and its p cheap for a bowl of noodles and it looks sO GOOD"


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