Royal Palace
Royal Palace Royal Palace Royal Palace Royal Palace Royal Palace Royal Palace Royal Palace Royal Palace Royal Palace
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"pas visité mais l’area est cool "


"30 000 LAK 8h-11h30 et 13h30-16h00"


"The “golden palace”, meant to symbolize the new relationship between Laos and France, was built between 1904 and 1909, just a few years before the kingdom of Luang Prabang was declared a protectorate, and the rest of Laos a colony, of France. The palace design combines the French “beaux arts” style with elements of Lao vernacular architecture, but the building can be said to have been finally completed when king Sisavangvong decided to replace the pinnacle on the roof above the throne room with a new one of a more appropriate Lao design. Beside that, there is a garage of the king inside the Meseum ground. There are several of brand: Lincoln continental, Edsel, Citroen, Sea Horse 35 and Jeep. You can see all of the cars are parking there. OPEN HOURS +National Museum Open daily: 08:00am – 11:30am and 13:00pm – 15:30pm (Cleaning on Thursday, they close at 15:00pm) close on Sunday Counter ticket: 08:00am – 11:00am and 13:00pm – 15:00pm Entrance fee: 30,000kip/person. +Pha Lak & Pha Lam Theatre Open on Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Satauday: 18:00pm from October to February / 18:30pm from March to SeptemberCounter ticket: start from 08:00am until 18:00pm. Entrance fee: there are 3 different price depends on the row seat; start from 100,000kip, 120,000kip and 150,000 kip/person"


"visite intéressante de l'ancien palais royal"


"Entrée à 30k kim/pers Homme et femme: pantalon et t-shirt à manches Ferme à 16h "


"Palais Royal de l’ancien Roi du Laos, très sympathique pour découvrir l’histoire du Laos Le soir, possibilité d’assister à une représentation théâtrale typique Laotienne (hyper kitch, mais à faire!)"


"Built in 1904 during the French colonial era for King Sisavang Vong and his family"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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