Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï
Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï
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#Sehenswürdigkeit #400 inspirierende Tips #Zu versuchen #Ce sera notre sinaï, non pas mont sinaï #Place to visit
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"Une visite de l’Egypte ne saurait être complète sans la découverte de la péninsule du Sinaï, son désert et son extraordinaire géologie. Paysages de dunes et de palmeraies cohabitent avec de hauts sommets pointus, comme celui du Mont Sinaï, également connu sous le nom de Mont Moïse. Dans ce haut-lieu du catholicisme, vous pourrez visiter le Monastère Sainte-Catherine. En route, il n’est pas rare de rencontrer des nomades éleveurs de chèvres ou de dromadaires, qui conservent jalousement leur culture ancestrale. Admirez les magnifiques habits des femmes, dont les couleurs indiquent le statut"


"UNESCO World Heritage Mount Sinal, where -Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, is revered in Jewish, Christian, and Müslim tradition. The empress Helena. mother of Constantine the Great and a devour Christian, made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the fourth century and was believed to have discovered the True Cross, on which Christ was crucified. Before her death in 330 she also apparently ordered a small chapel to be built beside the burning fiery bush at the foot of Mount Sinai, from which God spoke to Moses The site became a Greek Orthodox monastery, and in the mid sixth century the emperor Justinian enlarged it and protected it behind a thick wall, Justinian also added the church dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria, who had been martyred on a spiked wheel and beheaded Tradition had it that angels spirited her body away to the top of the mountain in Sinal now named after her it was later discovered, taken to the monastery, and placed in a golden casket, which is preserved there The altar of the church was built over the roots of the burning bush and a descendant of the bush flourishes outside The monastery has attracted pilgrims for centuries. Among its treasures are icons and mosaics: and a superb library. Jacob's Well is said to be the spat where Moses first met his future wife, Zipporah, and there is also a small mosque. The charnel house is full of the bones of past generations of monks"


"Pellegrinaggio con il seminario 2016 con il seminario di Helsinki. Tornato qui il 31 luglio 2022 con i presbiteri di Roma."


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