Singburi Singburi Singburi Singburi Singburi Singburi Singburi Singburi
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Thai #Asian #Thaï #Food
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Thai food — hard to get into. DM for booking if necessary?"


"Infatuations highest rated restaurant "


"Timeout - best thai in london"


"“My friend Siri rocks. The most humble, hardworking and genius one man show I’ve ever known. He feeds me food I’ve never tasted before. I find it incredibly inspiring to try foods like this. It widens the sandbox for me when I think of my own menus. It makes me question ingredients and their applications. The food always seems to be at the very peak of its flavour. How you can push so much concentrated flavour into a stock defeats me. This is truly precision cooking with expertise. Order EVERYTHING on the specials board. It changes on the regular. Memorable dishes are a spicy as fuck rabbit laab, the clams and the pomelo salad. Remember to say ‘hi’ when you go to the toilet as you have to pass through the dish pit to get there.”"


"Highly recommended Thai place, seen on Top Jaw"


"Must call in advance to reserve"


"Fantastic Thai - booking is hard though"


"A veteran of the Leytonstone scene, this tiny family-run Thai café scores in every department. The BYO policy is key to its boozy appeal, but the food is also a blast – staunchly traditional, potently spiced and delivered without ceremony from the open kitchen. Staples such as pad thai and massaman curry are terrific value, but also take a look at the chalked-up specials board. Be warned: Singburi is rampantly popular. Price: Tom yum goong soup £6.25; yellow chicken curry £7.75."


"Amazing food for low price Cash only Order: moo krob special: twice fried crispy pork belly with garlic and chilli Then any other noodles and curries"


"Cash only!! Noodles and curries and order the moo krob special "


"Not closed - open Five spice pork Thursday-Saturday 6-10.30 Sunday 6-9 "


"Thai, number 3 on the timeout list "


"Meant to be v good Thai!!! BYOB FYI"


"Divine Thai food. Hard to get a reservation but so so so worth it."


"reco ragoon sisters thai incredible according to rolling joint IG"


"Cash only / Moo krob special"


"From wf food and drink not closed, booking mandatory "


"Thai Chef Sirichai Kularbwong is one of the capital’s best and most underrated cooks: inventive, such as phad thai, wok-fried morning glory with garlic and fish sauce, and fiery, acidic tom yums will are available, but look to the blackboard menu for the restaurant’s hits — and never miss the moo krob, twice-fried pork with garlic, basil, and chilli, one of the city’s most accomplished and delicious dishes."


"Legendary blackboard menu. Order moo krob."


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