Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir
Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir
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"La paroisse est un énorme tableau peint. Son plafond est sublime qui retrace l'histoire de Jésus mais aussi notre cher Père Noël."


"L’église a visiter ! La Chapelle Sixtine de València !"


"Biglietto con audioguida 8€ per adulti, 7€ per gli studenti, i bambini non pagano. Con l'accesso alla chiesa si ha in regalo l'audioguida della lonja della seda. La chiesa è stupenda"


"Iglesia similar a la capilla sixtina, esta muy bonita y el precio es 6€"


"The Parish of San Nicolás is one of the pictorial and architectural jewels that you will be able to see during your stay in Valencia. Its construction began in the thirteenth century, being included in the so-called "First Christian parishes" built by King James I when he arrived in Valencia in 1238. It is a temple that mixes the Gothic structure of the fifteenth century with the baroque decoration of the seventeenth century. In San Nicolás, you can contemplate no less than 2,000 square meters of frescoes. Only one of the original belfry bells remains, the one known as Vicent. The others disappeared during the Civil War. Currently, the other four bells date from the 1940s: El Colau, Triple, Pere la gran and El Miquel. Some specialists compare it to the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican. In fact, the recovery of the frescoes has been advised by Gianluigi Colalucci, director of the last restoration of the Sistine Chapel."


"Hidden gem as seen in Inspirock"


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