Delfino Delfino Delfino Delfino Delfino Delfino Delfino Delfino Delfino
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Italian #Pizza #Italien #Lunch
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Italiano, pizza e trattoria"


"A little hidden gem in the heart of Mayfair!!Delfino is a casual restaurant where to enjoy delicious authentic Italian food at very reasonable prices and perfectly located on glamorous Mount Street. For its location prices are in fact amazing considering the neighborhood and the high quality food served. Honestly, it doesn't get any better than this: the food, service, atmosphere were all outstanding! Also, Delfino has a great selection of pizzas and if craving for a good one, this place is a great find. The pizza served at Delfino is one of the true ones, straight out of Italy. The restaurant offers traditional Italian thin crust pizza from the wood fired oven which are to die for. The dough in particular is delicious and the ingredients used are fresh and high quality. Can't recommend enough: simple menu simple concept, great value for money and attentive service. Overall, surely a pizza treat for the connaisseurs. It's hard to get away from Delfino's delicious pizza selection, however if you manage not to fall for it explore the other delicious dishes as well! Personal recommendation is to take the Burratina with fresh tomato and avocado, as a starter which is very good. Highly suggested are the delicious Ravioli and Pasta all'arrabbiata as your main plates. Both are worth a try but you will be full. Also, keep space for the the tempting desserts. Overall, an excellent meal with fresh and tasty ingredients and friendly and prompt service - can't fault anything about my visit! "


"resto italien conseille par papa"


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