Chavela's Chavela's Chavela's Chavela's Chavela's Chavela's Chavela's Chavela's Chavela's
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Mexican #Mexicain #Tacos #Food
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Restaurant mexicain super déco et super bon"


"Bib Gourmand 2023 Ordering guacamole may be a reflex for many, but at Chavela's, what lands on the table is far from the norm. Mexico City native, Chef Arturo Leonar, is the brains behind this exceptional riff, which mixes smoked trout, pico de gallo, and morita chile salsa to thrilling effect. His creativity even extends to other dishes, like taquitos de cangrego with sweet crabmeat and spicy salsa verde, as well as handmade quesadillas stuffed with huitlacoche. Traditionalists may rest easy, as the subtly sweet mole coating the chicken and enchiladas alike is bound to delight. Featuring a wrought-iron entrance door, the décor here is an absolute riot of color thanks to vibrant Mexican tiles surrounding the bar and artistic touches like that wall of ceramic butterflies."


"recommended by Lucy Best (Blakemore Freeman)"


"recommended by Lucy Best (Blakemore Freeman)"


"Très bon mexicain Prendre les flautas"


"Chicken flautas with no beans, double rice, no spicy sauce"


"Happy Hour 16h-19h Cocktails $9 Bieres $5 Tacos $4 Terrasse & brunch"


"Ordering guacamole may be a reflex for many, but at Chavela’s, what lands on the table is far from the norm. Mexico City native, Chef Arturo Leonar, is the brains behind this exceptional riff, which mixes smoked trout, pico de gallo, and morita chile salsa to thrilling effect. His creativity even extends to other dishes, like taquitos de cangrego with sweet crabmeat and spicy salsa verde, as well as handmade quesadillas stuffed with huitlacoche. Traditionalists may rest easy, as the subtly sweet mole coating the chicken and enchiladas alike is bound to delight. Featuring a wrought-iron entrance door, the décor here is an absolute riot of color thanks to vibrant Mexican tiles surrounding the bar and artistic touches like that wall of ceramic butterflies."


"Awesome Mexican brunch. Get a side of plantains!"


"TEX MEX beaucoup à manger "


"Mexicain recommande sur Airbnb "


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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