Office de Tourisme - Découvrez un Village Authentique et Artistique
L'Office de Tourisme vous invite à découvrir un village authentique et artistique, idéal pour une visite enrichissante. Situé dans une belle ville, ce village pittoresque est un véritable coup de cœur pour les amateurs de balades et de découvertes. Avec ses nombreuses galeries d'art, il offre un charme unique où l'on peut déambuler, visiter les expositions et se laisser inspirer par la créativité locale. Profitez de l'atmosphère chaleureuse de ce village incroyablement beau, qui fut autrefois un véritable repaire d'artistes. Une visite incontournable pour plonger dans l'histoire et la culture de la région, entre tombes historiques et architecture médiévale. Découvrez ce lieu authentique où l'art et la tradition se mêlent harmonieusement, offrant aux visiteurs une expérience unique à chaque pas.
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"Il villaggio medievale da sogno di Saint Paul de Vence è arroccato su una collina e circondato da un giro di bastioni perfettamente conservati. Destinazione imperdibile in Provenza, Saint-Paul de Vence è spesso affollata di turisti, che fanno una deviazione dalle vicine attrazioni della Costa Azzurra. Infatti il borgo si trova a meno di 20 chilometri dalle più famose località balneari della Costa Azzurra, come Nizza e Antibes. A dispetto di queste cittadine ricche di vita mondana, a Saint-Paul de Vence il tempo sembra essersi fermato: entrando dalle antiche porte della città, verrete trasportati in un luogo magico, composto da labirintiche strade acciottolate, piccoli vicoli, scalinate e minuscole piazze adornate da fontane gorgoglianti. Piccolo e romantico villaggio medievale, interamente pedonale, sorge alle spalle di Cagnes-sur-Mer, abbarbicato sulla montagna per sfuggire agli attacchi saraceni. Le stradine lastricate di Saint-Paul de Vence, cinte dalla sua fortificazione e ricche di botteghe artigiane e di atelier di artisti, affascinano tutti coloro che si spingono fin quassù, lontano dai fasti modaioli della costa. Con i suoi 40 abitanti questo villaggio racchiude piazzette romantiche, vedute spettacolari della valle, piccoli angoli di fascino provenzale e la Chapelle du Rosaire dipinta da Matisse. Fra le sue stradine, scalinate e fontane, troverete angoli di pura poesia, a patto di evitare gli orari di punta di cui gli autobus riversano orde di turisti a caccia di souvenir. È il luogo dove vivono artigiani e pittori, da sempre meta privilegiata di artisti e intellettuali. Marché les mercredis "
"Mont st Michel but landlocked "
"Village mignon avec beaucoup de galerie d’art"
"Quaint village! Was an artists’ mecca. "
"Très beau village il parait !"
"A VISITER ! Se promener une petite heure "
"The second most visited village in France after Mont-St-Michel, St-Paul has an almost unnatural brilliance. Approached from the valley below, it surges from the rocks like a citadel in a Sixties Ladybird book about knights and Saracen invaders. So many of its original features have been preserved: the 16th-century ramparts, the arcades, the wells (until 15 years ago all the fountains were fed by a local stream). After a ferocious marketing drive which began in the 1980s, now upwards of two million visitors a year force themselves along these thread-like streets in a purling stream from May to October: grannies from Luxembourg buying posters of Giacometti, Portuguese teenagers plugged into portable tours, seas of straw hats and protesting Canadians and Belgian fathers pushing triple strollers, comparing notes on their drive up from Antibes. It wasn't always this way (long-time residents tear their hair out) but the town was always well off, always loved, known for its famous visitors and residents. Here, the fountain where Churchill liked to sit and paint; there, the grave of Chagall, covered in rosemary and surrounded by ancient cypresses. But it is true, there is no boulangerie any more. The shops are given over almost entirely to ice cream and expensive watercolours, and the cobbles are not ancient at all but relatively recently laid. Still, in the early mornings, a market just beyond the medieval walls sells leeks and parsley, melons and sunflowers, and on some days pétanque is played seriously outside Twenties café-hotel La Colombe d'Or, where Hitchcock came to finish writing To Catch a Thief and where the walls are hung with paintings by Matisse and Braque, personal gifts from the artists. Yves Montand, Simone Signoret, James Baldwin: they all stayed here, sometimes for months at a time. By 1pm the garden terrace of this deeply glamorous hotel is crammed with ageing boulevardiers who've skipped food altogether and are smoking; slim-armed wives humour their ruthlessly bad-tempered elderly husbands with another iced bucket of fizz as prawns are brought out on great silver platters. I sit and binge on dorade with Pitou, granddaughter of Monsieur Roux, who built this place against all advice in a field he had inherited just after World War I using materials he bought from house sales in villages decimated by the fighting. 'Montand…' shrugs Pitou, dreamily, as I mine her for information, 'he was Montand. He met Simone here. Jacques Prévert was here for so long, so many months, so many times. My grandmother would make him food in the bar.' As the afternoon thickens, the garden around us seems lined with an increasingly pretty and burning universe of trees and flowers. Inside, in a dark corner, I find a photograph of Pitou taken some time in the unrecoverable 1960s, wearing flares and a smile, blonde hair skimming her thighs, arm around some old guy chomping on a cigar. I think it's Miró. Further along in the picture is Montand, squinting and raising a glass in the sun. Later I ask Pitou about Picasso. Is it true he gave a painting in exchange for a bowl of soup? Pitou roars with laughter. No, it's not true, despite what the guidebooks say. So how did they get the painting that hangs inside? The fading light in the garden pools around Pitou's feet. She shrugs. 'In 1953 my grandfather said to my grandmother, ""Go down and ask Pablo.""' And she did. go see fondation maeght in St paul de Vence - a beautiful house full of art --> Some of the biggest names in 20th-century European sculpture, including Georges Braque, Joan Miró and Alberto Giacometti, came together to help create La Fondation Maeght, which has become France’s most important art foundation and is among the world’s leading cultural institutions. Where to eat ? for an expensive but delicious and traditional lunch bool la colombe d'or, otherwise for a more casual lunch go to la fontaine or le caruso"
"À VISITER : La petite ville de Saint-Paul-de-Vence"
"It's strange what desire will make foolish people do"