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217 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Restaurante #Ristorante #Gastro #Dinner
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Bonito establecimiento. La comida de 8/10."


"Décor majestueux pour ce restaurant au menu de midi en semaine à prix très correct "


"Menu del dia 35€, rica la comida pero raciones muy pequeñas"


"Michelin Guide mention 2023 For an insight into contemporary Mallorcan cooking you need to understand the culinary philosophy of Andreu Genestra, one of the most influential and interesting chefs in the Balearic Islands. This restaurant occupying a stunning porticoed patio in an aristocratic property in the centre of Palma presents itself as the "ow cost" outpost of this great chef in the heart of the Mallorcan capital. Here, he defends his culinary mantra of "cooking from the land" through contemporary cuisine inspired by the islands and based around the best locally sourced products to create delicate dishes on an extensive choice of affordable menus."


"Menu estrecha michelin 50€"


"Prügl 7/2/23 preis leistung top michelin star 70€ menü"


"For an insight into contemporary Mallorcan cooking you need to understand the culinary philosophy of Andreu Genestra, one of the most influential and interesting chefs in the Balearic Islands. This restaurant occupying a stunning porticoed patio in an aristocratic property in the centre of Palma presents itself as the “low cost” outpost of this great chef in the heart of the Mallorcan capital. Here, he defends his culinary mantra of “cooking from the land” through contemporary cuisine inspired by the islands and based around the best locally sourced products to create delicate dishes on an extensive choice of affordable menus. "


"Cadre sympa, chef étoilé et très charmant "


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