Albergo Hotel
Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel Albergo Hotel
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Hotel #Restaurant #Rooftop #Terrace #Coffee
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Piscine superbe, aussi pour boire un verre ou un thé "


"L'Albergo met les petits plats dans les grands. Le bar resto le plus hypé de La capitale ne se prive pas sur ses marges mais sait vous en mettre plein la vue. La terrasse sublime et le bar perché ambiance colonie africaine accompagnent votre cocktail digne de James Bond. Mieux vaut oublier la misère d'en bas quand on s'y rend, un tel luxe ici donne le vertige... 15€ le cocktail"


"Albergo molto bello con ristoranti roof "


"Hotel with 4 restaurants. Very nice and very expensive 🙃 but really nice 👍 "


"Hôtel magnifique avec patio à l’intérieur, bien pour prendre un verre"


"30 rooms / From $265 / This hotel is full of character and stands proudly in the traditional district of Achrafieh. Its ochre-coloured facade reflects the liveliness and warmth of the Lebanese capital. Guests can sip delicious cocktails in the cosy ground floor bar, while browsing through a collection of rare books, and studying the old photographs of the city that line the walls. The bedrooms offer a bold blend of East and West, and have been decorated with treasures from all over the world. On the rooftop you will find the jewel in the hotel’s crown, a swimming pool bordered by a hanging garden and surrounded by the scent of fig and orange trees, with extraordinary views of Beirut, the sea and the Lebanese mountains. This hotel is a magnificent base from which to discover a city brimming with energy."


"@amalandaplan @nanuthenanu"


"Pour le petit dej en roof top"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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