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307 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Asian #Chinese #Chinois #Asiatique
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Asiatique, un peu cher mais très bon"


"Miglior cinese mai mangiato. Se in gruppo piatti grandi da condividere, se da soli mezze porzioni. Cucina con vista sul bancone - possibilità di mangiare direttamente lì. Dolce buonissimo. Prezzo giusto."


"This super-hip Asian spot blends Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese cuisines, which means delicious dumplings, spicy stir-fries and oodles of noodles. The kitchen staff do amazing things with a wok, and the menu of small plates allows you to sample a wide selection of dish-es. Dim sum for dinner? This is your place"


"I had great expectations walking into dinner tonight. But I was not overly impressed. The decor for this fusion Asian restaurant does not match the theme. It felt like we had walked into an American diner. Sure the food was good and the staff very caring and friendly. But, I was expecting more after all the hype. I would recommend the Pan Roasted Soy Glazed Salmon, Pork Belly Bun and Korean Fried Chicken Bao. These were excellent. "


"Really cool asian restaurant! Very quick service and high quality food! The tiger's tail cocktail was nice (a bit sweet though). The untraditional scallion pancake was very fluffy and delicious. Overall B+/A-!"


"Recommendation from Leo Dafner"


"Great brunch. Got basically everything and it was all delish"


"share plate style, soooo good (items marked hot are not that hot (wild boar dan dan)); expect to spend a bit of money if you want to eat your fill though"


"Excellent !!! $$$ mais trop bon"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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