Adams Coffee Shop
Adams Coffee Shop Adams Coffee Shop Adams Coffee Shop
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"Host - Nazareth - very sweet Wine store - Jerry The blackened salmon was amazing and so was the pork chop "


"West Adams American $$ Reservation At the 4-year-old West Adams community beacon, chef and co-owner Keith Corbin continues to perfect the style of light-handed cooking he calls “California soul.” His lacy, crackling fried chicken has always been outstanding; it translates seamlessly into a fried chicken sandwich stacked with pickles and hot sauce mayo. It’s hard to imagine a dinner without the oxtails braised with miso and soy, served with rice to capture all the saucy goodness. Corbin employs similar flavoring techniques for his vegan gombo (an alternate spelling for gumbo that hews closer to the word for okra in several West African languages); he uses red miso, rather than roux, for rich base notes among an ensemble of seasonal vegetables. “California Soul” is also the name of Corbin’s powerful memoir, published this year, about growing up in Watts, surviving the drug economy and finding his way in the kitchen. A highly recommended read."


"fried chicken, fried fish. fried chicken sandwich."


"#54 Keith Corbin, a native of Watts, calls his cooking “California soul food.” It’s his way of honoring the African American cooking of the interior South that traveled to other regions of the country, most notably during the Great Migration, while also owning his instincts to innovate and lighten. He smothers hanger steak in mushroom gravy spiked with Hennessy, his favorite Cognac. He keeps the flavors of collard greens bright and sharp with vinegar, Chile flakes and smoked oil. His thrice-cooked fried chicken — first he deep-fries the bird and then par-bakes it before finishing it in a skillet — achieves the kind of delicate crust that has all but disappeared from restaurants. And, wow, his oxtails, braised in a liquid zapped with miso and soy and served with rice to catch all the goodness. The restaurant, a partnership with Bay Area chef and restaurateur Daniel Patterson, has an adjoining coffee shop; it’s a great place to work and the Cobb salad makes an excellent lunch. The conjoined businesses sit on a sunny corner in the West Adams neighborhood, and word is out in the community: The two honey-toned dining rooms are always full, drawn by Corbin’s masterful approach and the restaurant’s generous spirit of hospitality. Full bar. Valet and street parking. Credit cards accepted."


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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"#54 Keith Corbin, a native of Watts, calls his cooking “California soul food.” It’s his way of honoring the African American cooking of the interior South that traveled to other regions of the country, most notably during the Great Migration, while also owning his instincts to innovate and lighten. He smothers hanger steak in mushroom gravy spiked with Hennessy, his favorite Cognac. He keeps the flavors of collard greens bright and sharp with vinegar, Chile flakes and smoked oil. His thrice-cooked fried chicken — first he deep-fries the bird and then par-bakes it before finishing it in a skillet — achieves the kind of delicate crust that has all but disappeared from restaurants. And, wow, his oxtails, braised in a liquid zapped with miso and soy and served with rice to catch all the goodness. The restaurant, a partnership with Bay Area chef and restaurateur Daniel Patterson, has an adjoining coffee shop; it’s a great place to work and the Cobb salad makes an excellent lunch. The conjoined businesses sit on a sunny corner in the West Adams neighborhood, and word is out in the community: The two honey-toned dining rooms are always full, drawn by Corbin’s masterful approach and the restaurant’s generous spirit of hospitality. Full bar. Valet and street parking. Credit cards accepted."
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