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"UNESCO World Heritage Work on the Forbidden City- the imperial palace complex of the Ming and Qing dynasties began in 1407 and was completed fourteen years later, with as many as 200,000 men laboring on the project. Designed to symbolize imperial power and majesty, it was regarded as the earthly counterpart of the abode of the Celestial Emperor. The name refers to the fact that no one could enter or leave the site without the permission of the emperor, The rectangular palace complex — with a main gate ser in each side — was surrounded by a moat 19 feet (6 m) deep and a wall 32 feet (10 m) high. With an overall size of around 178 acres (72 ha) the Forbidden City contained some 800 buildings with 8,880 rooms, although some sources put the number of rooms at a more poetical 9,999. Among these buildings were five large halls and seventeen palaces. The Forbidden Oty was divided into two areas: the southern section or Outer Court was where the emperor conducted his day-to-day business, while he and his family lived in the northern section or Inner Court. The buildings were constructed predominantly from wood. The City contains the world's largest collection of ancient wooden structures, their roofs being painted in the traditional royal color of yellow. The ten emperors of the Qing Dynasty, which replaced the Ming in 1644, used the Forbidden City as their seat of government. In 1912, following the Xinhai Revolution, the last Chinese emperor, Puyi, abdicated and the Forbidden City eventually became a museum, where its many treasures and curiosities were put on display (although some of these artifacts were removed to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War). Since the relaxation of Chinese communist rule, the Forbidden City has become a major attraction for both Chinese and foreign tourists."




"The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ."


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