Leonard's Bakery
Leonard's Bakery Leonard's Bakery Leonard's Bakery Leonard's Bakery Leonard's Bakery Leonard's Bakery Leonard's Bakery Leonard's Bakery Leonard's Bakery
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#Restaurant #Dessert #Bakery #Hawaii #Food
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"Spécialité à goûter : malasadas (beignets fourrés) Bcp de queue mais rapide "


"Per Roadfood, One of the Best. Looks like a hole in the wall, but great donuts, which they call a malasada (essentially a donut without a hole coated in sugar. Just a few blocks from Waikiki Beach. Thrillist.com named it one on top 21 donut shops in US. They recommend Orange Malasada and Custard Malasada. They have other locations on the islands."


"Malasadas from Leonard’s Bakery are a local and visitor favorite on Oʻahu! If you don’t know what a malasada is, it’s a Portugese fried doughnut that Leonards bakes fresh throughout the day in a variety of different ways. Personally, I prefer the cinnamon sugar."


"Boulangerie emblématique beignets "


"The famous home of the Portuguese donut, a soft and puffy Malasada. The friends in my group absolutely loved these, and couldn’t stop talking about the fried dough, just lightly sweet and custard filled."


"I learned I was not a fan of malsadas"


"proposer par notre chauffeur Uber!"


"Iconic and historic location for malasadas"


"malasadas — Portuguese donuts without the hole — are legendary. My friend said they’re like ‘biting into a cloud,’ "


"eat à malassada flavor haupia or slated caramel comme donuts viens du Portugal mais Hawaï favorit treat "


"great malasadas. hot crispy sugar coated donuts brioche like with filling. guava, coconut, custard, all of were delicious. too long line to get it, about 30 minute wait. "


"A must when visiting Honolulu!"


"Classic malasada, hupia, ube flavors all fantastic. Pao doce pups (mini Portuguese sausage buns) "


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