Gage & Tollner
Gage & Tollner Gage & Tollner Gage & Tollner Gage & Tollner Gage & Tollner Gage & Tollner Gage & Tollner Gage & Tollner Gage & Tollner
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #American #Steak #Steakhouse #Dinner
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"restaurant Dre & keith dishwasher reportage youtube"


"Steak house located in a Gilded Age landmark. PLAN B: Their upstairs Tiki Bar is amazing."


"Reco de David - burger de viande maturée - steakhouse retro"


"Michelin Guide mention 2023 Vintage mirrors, cherry wood and brass chandeliers line the length of this historic restaurant, which first opened in 1892. With an amber glow and buzzing crowd, the room immediately charms, down to the no-nonsense all-classic cocktail list. There is plenty to eat here, as the team, headed by Executive Chef, Adam Shepard, is not content to merely let history and looks stand in for substance. Seafood towers, big steaks, crab cakes and a superb platter of fried chicken with cornmeal fritters take their cues from the legendary Edna Lewis, who ran the kitchen in the late 80s and whose Southern cooking has inspired countless followers. Dessert is essential and all of them, from the coconut layer cake to the baked Alaska, will make for a fond farewell."


"What is it? Gage & Tollner is a lot of things. One of 2021's best new restaurants. An excellent cocktail destination with a dedicated martini menu. And a fancy chop house, all inside a beautiful space. Why go? Oh there are so many reasons! This should be your top pick when dining with the steakhouse-averse, as it has plenty of other excellent options to choose from. (Try the fried chicken.) And the T-bone, ribeye and NY strip are a cut above many places that amplify their steakhouse proclivities much louder.  "


"Oldest restaurant in Brooklyn. Pain au levain (sourdough bread). Parker house rolls. "


"From New Yorker - good for oysters and some meat"


"Steaks and chops , fried chicken"


"The food: Classic steakhouse fare with modern touches and an old-school opulence (and a stellar martini menu) to match. Think raw oysters, chilled Maine lobster, and towering seafood platters as starters, followed by oysters Rockefeller, crab cakes, chicken liver pate, pillowy house rolls, and a wedge salad. Mains include seafood like roasted skate and hearty options such as pork pot pie, fried chicken, and shrimp scampi. Steaks and chop include t-bone sirloin, bone-in ribeye, NY strip, a braised pork shank, or roasted honeynut squash for plant-forward eaters. Add on sides like creamed spinach, cornmeal fritters, and the butter roasted hash brown before finishing it off with desserts like coconut cake; malted milk and dark chocolate torte; or the baked alaska from pastry chef Caroline Schiff."


"American. Great bar. Eater.🇺🇸"


"NYT 50 Restaurants 2021. The new Gage & Tollner is many things: a cocktail fanatic’s haven; a wine drinker’s playground; a tribute to the great Edna Lewis, who was the chef near the end of the first incarnation; a place for Old Brooklyn and more recent arrivals to check each other out, warily, while wondering to themselves whether there is any point in going anywhere else in the borough for steak"


"Old spot, beautiful atmosphere. Steakhouse vibes for food "


"Esquire best new restaurants in America 2021"


"Oyster and chop house. Iconic "


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