Hawa Mahal
Hawa Mahal Hawa Mahal Hawa Mahal Hawa Mahal Hawa Mahal Hawa Mahal Hawa Mahal Hawa Mahal Hawa Mahal
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"I’m not sure about this one"


"The Palace of the Winds or Hawa Mahal was built for Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh in 1799 at a time when female members of the royal household observed very strict purdah. An extension of the main palace, it was constructed in such a way as to allow the women to observe everyday life on the streets outside while remaining out of sight. Standing on a high platform adjoining the city wall, the palace looks like an enormous honeycombed screen with its symmetrical five story facade, which tises to a height of 50 feet (15 m). It is built of the red and pink sandstone typical of many buildings in Jaipur, and is outlined with white borders and motifs that are painted in a lime wash. The facade contains 935 spectacular small windows arranged on a huge curve Each of them has a beautifully carved projecting balcony and crowning arched roof with a hanging comice. The openings are almost like peepholes, partly blocked by fine plaster latticework, and would have provided a much-needed constant flow of air into the small chambers behind. The top three stories of the blilding are just a single room wide. There is an arched entrance to the west and this opens onto a courtyard surrounded by a two-story building on three sides on the fourth, eastern, side the building rises an extra level. Interestingly, there are no stairs to reach the upper floors, only ramps. The lack of ornamentation in the chambers and the open areas of the interior are in striking contrast to the exterior, making it clear that the palace was never intended for residential use Sawai Pratap Singh was a great devotee of the Hindu deity Krishna, to whom he dedicated the palace, and it is said that the facade was designed to resemble the crown or mukut worn by the god. It is best viewed in the golden glow of sunrise"


"En face un escalier pour beau point de vue et bonne boutique de bijoux (Hawa mahal pink)"


"Realizzato in arenaria rossa e rosa, l’Hawa Mahal, noto anche come "palazzo dei venti" o "palazzo della brezza", è un edificio dal grande impatto scenografico situato nella città di Jaipur: realizzato in stile architettonico Rajput, a forma di piramide, è alto 15 metri e presenta la facciata frontale a forma di favo di alveare, costituito da piccoli oblò. All’interno vi sono camere realizzate con marmi colorati, decorate da pannelli intarsiati o dorati."


"VLOG #23 UNE JOURNÉE A JAIPUR !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m4G0l9qxuo&list=PLtwL6_uNHKrRoJ1lIsqK2690PuRcVyq_U&index=25 VLOG #4 WELCOME TO JAIPUR CITY !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHPLmitG0d4&list=PLtwL6_uNHKrTqXMpyvgOqAMYXZ3Woy6mP&index=5"


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