The Vault
The Vault The Vault The Vault The Vault The Vault The Vault The Vault The Vault The Vault

The Vault - Bar à cocktails speakeasy à Soho

The Vault est un bar caché derrière une étagère de livres chez Milroy's, une boutique de whisky réputée à Soho. Une fois que vous avez trouvé votre chemin à travers cette étagère et descendu les escaliers, vous découvrirez un petit sous-sol sombre et délicieux où des cocktails sont préparés à partir de spiritueux puissants, y compris du whisky, bien sûr. C'est un véritable speakeasy où vous pourrez déguster les meilleurs cocktails de la région. Réservez à l'avance pour vous assurer d'avoir une place dans ce lieu unique.

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#Speakeasy #Cocktails #Drinks #Cocktail #Drink
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Sous le milroys of soho (hidden bar) "


"Ce Speakeasy des temps modernes se cache au sous-sol d’un bar à whiskies. Il faut franchir la porte pour être d’abord transporté dans une atmosphère « Old London »,puis en s’aventurant au fond du bar, pousser la bibliothèque qui se dérobe pour dévoiler un passage secret menant au sous-sol. Une super carte de cocktails. "


"Went with mush, fede and Bruce. Cute basement behind bookshelf."


"Cocktail bar date spot under Milroys "




"Secret bar behind bookcase "


"Bar à cocktail caché derrière une blibliotheque Très bons cocktails, beau cadre"


"Secret bar go through the milroys bookshelf Need to book in advance"


"The phrase 'hidden gem' is overused but this place really qualifies. Milroy's is a Soho institution, an atmospheric and knowledgeable whisky shop on Greek Street with a vast range of excellent things to drink and informative, impassioned staff."


"Speakeasy under milroy’s. Go at the back and push the bookshelf. You might need to book a table. Live jazz music and cocktails. "


" Psst! Over here! The Vault of Soho is a bar hidden behind an unassuming bookcase at the rear of Soho whisky specialist Milroy’s. Once you find your way through it and then down the stairs, you’ll find a dark, delectable little basement where cocktails are made from potent spirits – whisky included, naturally. "


"Speakeasy behind a fake bookshelf"


"Go at the end of the bar on the right and push the library 🧙‍♂️"


"Bar speakeasy secret au sous sol- au fond du bard, pousser la bibliothèque."


"Jagged Edge drink 100% (woody taste)"


"Downstairs behind the bookcase"


"Go behind the bookcase at the back of Milroy’s of soho (a whiskey bar) "


"Aller au fond de la bibliothèque pour tomber sur un bar avec de bon cocktails "


"Bar caché derrière une bibliothèque du Milroy’s"


"Stand at the back of Milroy’s (whisky shop) - il faut passer par une bibliothèque (bookcase)"


"behind bookcase in Milroys"


"The phrase ‘hidden gem’ is overused but this place really qualifies. Milroy’s is a Soho institution, an atmospheric and knowledgeable whisky shop on Greek Street with a vast range of excellent things to drink and informative, impassioned staff."


"The phrase ‘hidden gem’ is overused but this place really qualifies. Milroy’s is a Soho institution, an atmospheric and knowledgeable whisky shop on Greek Street with a vast range of excellent things to drink and informative, impassioned staff."


"cocktails push the bookcase, bar hidden downstairs "


"The phrase ‘hidden gem’ is overused but this place really qualifies. Milroy’s is a Soho institution, an atmospheric and knowledgeable whisky shop on Greek Street with a vast range of excellent things to drink and informative, impassioned staff."


"Bar caché derrière une bibliothèque"


"The phrase ‘hidden gem’ is overused but this place really qualifies. Milroy’s is a Soho institution, an atmospheric and knowledgeable whisky shop on Greek Street with a vast range of excellent thing"


"The phrase ‘hidden gem’ is overused but this place really qualifies. Milroy’s is a Soho institution, an atmospheric and knowledgeable wh..."


"The phrase ‘hidden gem’ is overused but this place really qualifies. Milroy’s is a Soho institution, an atmospheric and knowledgeable wh..."


"The phrase ‘hidden gem’ is overused but this place really qualifies. Milroy’s is a Soho institution, an atmospheric and knowledgeable wh..."


"Speakeasy vibe, behind a bookshelf"


"Secret corner Head down to a Soho gem with bare brick walls and comfy sofas Pass by the shelves of London's oldest Wishky shop and head to the very back where you'll push a bit the bookcase to enter"


"beyond a bookcase – because at the back of this esteemed whisky shop, there’s a hidden door that leads to a woody, subterranean"


"Secret Bar - especially Whisky"


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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