Château de Bran
Château de Bran Château de Bran Château de Bran Château de Bran Château de Bran Château de Bran Château de Bran Château de Bran Château de Bran

Château de Dracula - Visite, Musée, Monument en Transylvanie

Le Château de Dracula, également connu sous le nom de Bran Castle, est un monument emblématique situé en Transylvanie. Ce château légendaire aurait inspiré les contes de Dracula et est un incontournable à visiter. En explorant ses salles, vous découvrirez un musée fascinant retraçant l'histoire de ce château et de la légende de Dracula. Malgré l'affluence de touristes, cette visite reste une expérience enrichissante. Les différentes salles sont meublées pour recréer l'ambiance historique de l'époque. Ne manquez pas la section dédiée aux monstres et aux mythes, qui ajoute une touche ludique à votre visite. Malgré sa popularité, le château de Dracula conserve tout son charme et son mystère, offrant aux visiteurs une immersion captivante dans l'univers de Dracula.

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"**Castle Bran**, often referred to as "Dracula's Castle," is located in Romania and is steeped in rich legends and folklore, particularly those associated with Vlad the Impaler, who is frequently cited as the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Count Dracula. Here are some of the prominent legends surrounding Castle Bran: 1. **Connection to Vlad the Impaler**: Vlad III, also known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula, was a 15th-century ruler known for his brutal methods and is often associated with the Dracula legend. Although there is no definitive evidence that he lived in Castle Bran, the castle's history is intertwined with his story, and it is often marketed as his home, attracting tourists interested in the Dracula mythos . 2. **The Legend of the Vampire**: The association with vampires has made Castle Bran a focal point for tales of the supernatural. Local folklore includes stories of vampires and their connections to the area. The castle's dark, imposing structure and strategic location on a cliff only enhance its eerie reputation, making it a popular site for those fascinated by vampire lore . 3. **The Ghost of the Lady in White**: Some legends claim that the castle is haunted by the ghost of a lady dressed in white, believed to be the spirit of a former inhabitant. Visitors have reported strange occurrences, including sightings of apparitions and unexplained noises, adding to the castle's haunted reputation . 4. **Historical Significance**: Beyond its vampire connections, Castle Bran has a rich history as a fortress and royal residence. It was built in the 14th century and served various purposes throughout its history, including a defense against invasions. The legends surrounding its strategic importance during conflicts, including battles with Ottoman forces, add to its allure . Castle Bran continues to attract visitors from around the world, drawn by its enchanting beauty and the legends that envelop it. For further reading and more in-depth stories about Castle Bran, you can explore resources such as the [Bran Castle official website]( and articles on [Romania Insider]("


"Le château de Dracula 🗝️ Très joli, mais beaucoup de monde sur place"


"Superbe château médiéval, je comprends que Dracula ai voulu s’y installer. La Reine Marie a bien su rendre le château nice and cosy comme nous l’a expliqué Adrian notre guide, et ça fait bien plaisir à voir. En revanche il y a vraiment beaucoup de foule, c’est un peu comme faire la queue pendant 108 ans. Le petit marché de souvenir est assez sympa aussi, en revanche si vous êtes végétarien ou n’aimez pas les saucisses de 14 km de long, il faudra affronter la faim. La petite partie sur la torture médiévale était sympa aussi, ils étaient fan de piques en tout genre à l’époque et ça ne fait pas plaisir à voir "


"Vlad III Dracul bodde enligt legenden här. "


"eh guarda un po che ti ho trovato"


"Wstęp 60lei (ok 53 zł) Najpopularniejszy zamek w Transylwanii"


"beau château ne pas s'attendre à des histoires de dracula"


"I really enjoyed this castle visit despite the hordes of other tourists. It's smaller than the typical castle with many rooms furnished to mimic the original look it historically added. They have a small section about monsters and myths that's fun too."


"Chateau qui a inspiré Dracula "


"Ne pas fait le donjon (arnaque) "


"Precioso el entorno y por fuera, la pega es que esta demasiado masificado, mucha cola y el interior no ofrece mucho... Poco queda de lo que cuenta la historia..."


"45 LEI adulte / 25 LEI étudiant / 40 mn du château de Pelés. Visité avec le circuit Get your Guide > next stop : Brasov "


"Célèbre Château de Dracula, perdu en Transylvanie"


"Too much tourist, not good enought to pay for it"


"Dracula castel Sometimes fact and fiction become so closely intertwined that it is hard to separate them. The castle at Bran is a case in point. It is now popularly known as Dracula's Castle, in the same way that Sherwood Forest is popularly regarded as the home of Robin Hood, even though the connections between the site and the character are highly dubious. The evil vampire of the movies originates from a novel by Irish writer Bram Stoker. Written in 1897, his Dracula was inspired by a genuine, historical figure-Vlad Tepes (d. 1476), better known as Vlad the Impaler. Vlad also used the name Dracula (Son of Dracul), because his father was Vlad Dracul. Vlad was a suitably bloodthirsty model for the fictional character, but his links with the castle are tenuous at best. He may briefly have been a guest there; he may even have been imprisoned there, though it is equally possible that he never set foot in the place. None of these uncertainties discourages the tourists or the souvenir sellers, who find the castle's imposing appearance an admirable setting for the creepy legend. The origins of Bran Castle itself are uncertain. Some historians believe that it was built in the early thirteenth century by the Teutonic Knights (a military and religious order), but there is no documentary record of the structure before 1377, when it was identified as part of the border defenses between Wallachia and Transylvania. The castle has had several owners over the centuries, among them Mircea the Wise, Vlad's grandfather. In the 1920s it was the favorite home of Marie, the British-born Queen of Romania, and it remained in royal hands until 1948, when it was confiscated by the communist authorities. For many years the castle was used as a museum and attracted a continuous stream of visitors but, in 2006, it was returned to Marie's heirs."


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