Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum

Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum - Musée de design

Le musée de design Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian est un musée d'art et de design situé dans une magnifique demeure géorgienne datant de 1902 sur l'Upper East Side de New York. Ce musée abrite une collection exceptionnelle de plus de 200 000 pièces, allant du mobilier et de la poterie à la sculpture et aux instruments de musique. Une visite de ce musée est à ne pas manquer lors de votre séjour à New York. Découvrez l'histoire et l'évolution du design à travers les siècles dans ce musée unique. Planifiez votre visite dès maintenant !

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"How do you turn a massive, Gilded Age mansion into a trendy design museum? You fill it with fun, interactive elements and let the visitor be the designer. That's the 21st-century mission of this Smithsonian museum, where product design is de rigueur. Upon entering, you are handed a tricked out electronic pen that will be your tool throughout your visit. At table-size touchscreens, click the pen on pieces from the collection to explore. Click another but-ton, and you can draw your own version of the object right on the screen. It's completely addictive. Then once you are home, plug the number on your admission ticket into the museum website. You'll find that the images you saved on your pen are there waiting for you. Just like design magic."


"COOPER-HEWITT NATIONAL DESIGN MUSEUM MUSEo Cartina p462 (%212-849-8400; www.cooperhew; 2 E 91st St, all’angolo con Fifth Ave; interi/senior/under 18 $18/12/gratuito, su offerta 18-21 sab; h10-18 dom-ven, 10-21 sab; b4/5/6 fermata 86th St) Il museo, che fa parte della Smithsonian Institution di Washington, DC, è l’unico del paese dedicato sia al design storico sia a quello moderno. Ospitata all’interno di una residenza di 64 stanze fatta costruire nel 1901 dal miliardario Andrew Carnegie, la collezione di 210.000 pezzi disposta su tre piani abbraccia un arco di tempo di 3000 anni. Il bellissimo giardino è aperto al pubblico e accessibile dalla 90th St o dall’interno del museo. Le visite guidate della residenza si tengono alle 11.30 e alle 13.30 nei giorni feriali e alle 13 e alle 15 nel weekend."


"Villa molto bella con giardino d’inverno. Mostre temporanee"


"Housed in a 1902 Georgian mansion on the Upper East Side, a visit here is worth it for the collection and also for the building itself, which is one of the finest former Gilded Age residences still standing. The collection here spans centuries, and includes all things related to design (there are more than 200,000 pieces), from furniture and metalwork to sculpture, musical instruments, and pottery"


"Musée du design new-yorkais "


"Always thoughtful and intelligent Pay What You Wish, 5 to 6 p.m. daily 2 East 91st Street (between 5th and Madison Avenues) New York, New York 10128"


"andare a vedere solo il bar?"


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d’aimer NY p.200 et shopping insolite à NY p.180"


"lilyz ande rufus wedding "


"Créé en 1896, ce musée consacré au design abrite une collection de plus de 210 000 objets répartis sur 30 siècles. Jeudi au lundi 10h-18h. 18$"


"Ou lily et rufus se sont mariés "


"Là où Lily Bass et Rufus Humphrey se sont mariés "


"Où Lily et Bart se marient dans la saison 1"


"It's right here that Lily Bass and Rufus Humphrey have said yes to each other and the least we could say is that we recognize here the sophisticated taste of our dear Lily!"


"Historic and contemporary design "


"Pay what you wish, Saturday 6-9pm"


"Incroyable musée de design. Extérieur magnifique "


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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