Château du Bon-Conseil
Château du Bon-Conseil - Monument Historique à Trento
Le Château du Bon-Conseil, également connu sous le nom de Castelvecchio, est le plus ancien noyau du monument, dominé par une imposante tour cylindrique. Le Palais Magno, une expansion du 16e siècle dans le style Renaissance italienne, a été commandé par le Prince-Évêque et Cardinal Bernardo Cles (1485-1539). La Giunta Albertiana de style baroque date de la fin du 17e siècle. Au sud du complexe se trouve la Torre Aquila, abritant le célèbre Cycle des Mois, l'un des cycles picturaux les plus fascinants du Moyen Âge tardif. Les fresques intérieures du château, commandées par les évêques principalement du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance, sont d'un intérêt exceptionnel. Devenu musée national après la fin de la principauté épiscopale en 1803, le château appartient désormais à la Province autonome de Trento depuis 1973. Il est la principale attraction du groupe de musées composé de quatre châteaux parmi les plus suggestifs et prestigieux de la région de Trentino.
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"Uno dei castelli più belli d’Italia. Da vedere assolutamente la Torre dell’Aquila. "
"The Buonconsiglio Castle is the largest and most important monumental complex of the Trentino Alto Adige region. It was the residence of the prince-bishops of Trento from the 13th century to the end of the 18th century, and is composed of a series of buildings of different eras, enclosed by walls and positioned slightly higher than the city. Castelvecchio is the oldest nucleus, dominated by an imposing cylindrical tower; the Magno Palazzo is the 16th century expansion in the Italian Renaissance-style as commissioned by the Prince-Bishop and Cardinal Bernardo Cles (1485-1539); the Baroque-style Giunta Albertiana dates from the end of the 17th century. At the extreme south of the complex is the Torre Aquila, within which is conserved the famous Cycle of the Months, one of the most fascinating secular pictorial cycles of the late Middle Ages. Also of exceptional interest are the extensive cycle of frescoes commissioned by the bishops to decorate the interior walls of the Castle, mainly in the late Middle Ages to the Renaissance period. After the end of the Episcopal principality (1803) the castle was used as a barracks; following its restoration in 1924, it became the National Museum, and since 1973 it belongs to the Autonomous Province of Trento. Currently it is the principal attraction among the museum group comprised of four castles which are among the most suggestive and prestigious of the Trentino area: in reference to Trento are Stenico Castle, in the Giudicarie Valley, Beseno Castle, in the Adige Valley between Trento and Rovereto, and Thun Castle, in the Valle di Non."
"Castello rinascimentale con bella vista su Trento"