Béns d'Avall Restaurant
Béns d'Avall Restaurant Béns d'Avall Restaurant Béns d'Avall Restaurant Béns d'Avall Restaurant Béns d'Avall Restaurant Béns d'Avall Restaurant Béns d'Avall Restaurant Béns d'Avall Restaurant Béns d'Avall Restaurant
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"une superbe vue et se situe au nord de Majorque entre Deia et Soller. des produits locaux et de saison. La cuisine est tout simplement excellente ! Les prix sont un peu élevés mais le restaurant en vaut vraiment la peine. Assurez vous de réserver une table où vous aurez du mal à obtenir une table."


"1 Michelin star 2024 Green star (sustainable gastronomy) Chef duo Benet and Jaume Vicens (son and father) It's not an easy task to find a family-run restaurant where everything slots together perfectly, but the combination of a pleasant ambience, cuisine based around select ingredients, and truly magical views of the Mediterranean and its coastline from its unique clifftop setting do just that at this eatery that has now celebrated its golden wedding. The secret to its success? The family's motto of always doing things well. Here, the skill and knowledge of two generations have come together through the father and son duo of Benet and Jaume Vicens who extol the virtues of Mallorcan cooking but with a more contemporary, delicate and original approach alongside impressive technique, which reaches its full expression on the tasting menu. Make sure you book a table on the terrace to enjoy the spectacular sunset!"


"Restaurante top, estrella michelín. Para ir a cenar cuando la puesta, mítico de pedida de mano"


"Finest Mediterranean cuisine "


"Vistas increíbles y muy buena comida "


"Estrella michelin. Mi restaurante favorito de Mallorca"


"9 (Buenas vistas. Entrantes: Coca de verduras huerto, raolas. Comida: pescado del dia, solomillo.)"


"Recommended by Cas Xorc hotel for its spectacular setting and a great tasting menu (€74)."


"Balearic-style tasting menu follows the seasons, with dishes like lobster ravioli with rabbit loin and sorrel sauce, "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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