4 Charles Prime Rib
4 Charles Prime Rib 4 Charles Prime Rib 4 Charles Prime Rib 4 Charles Prime Rib 4 Charles Prime Rib 4 Charles Prime Rib 4 Charles Prime Rib 4 Charles Prime Rib

4 Charles Prime Rib - Steakhouse et Restaurant Américain à New York

4 Charles Prime Rib est un restaurant américain et steakhouse situé à New York. Ce restaurant est connu pour ses burgers, ses steaks, ses Mac and cheese et bien plus encore. Les clients ont particulièrement apprécié le fameux burger, qui est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs de la ville. Les réservations doivent être effectuées à l'avance, car il est difficile d'obtenir une table. Les commentaires des clients ont souligné l'ambiance authentique de ce steakhouse, qui est idéal pour une soirée plus élégante. Les plats recommandés incluent le burger avec un oeuf, le steak et le French dip. Les accompagnements populaires sont les frites, le Mac and cheese et la salade de gemmes. Les desserts sont également très appréciés, notamment la tarte au chocolat. Si vous cherchez un restaurant de qualité à New York, 4 Charles Prime Rib est un excellent choix.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Burger #Steakhouse #American #Steak
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Steak, burger, Mac and cheese, choc desserts, $$$$"


"Different recommenders recommended boogers and steak!"


"difficult to get a reservation!"


"only 4 the chocolate cream pie "


"Solid spot, amazing burger. Small spot with a good atmosphere. "


"Try the waguy burger and the French dip"


"Best burger, steak, hard to get reservations "


"amazing burger!!! super nice cute inside, very very small"


"best French dip - Francesca coyne "


"Really hard to get a reservation for but very much worth it"


"Danny Ric: prøve french dip og burger"


"Best burger. Res 21 days in advance 9 am"


"One of the top rated restaurants in NYC for customer satisfaction. Burgers, steak, Mac and cheese"


"Speakeasy vibes obviously good but probably over hyped 5 dif people talked about their standing res so calm down. Burger was rushed and less of a show than made out to be but all dank "


"burger avec un oeuf sides ont l’air top + chocolate pie ! faire une réservation treeeees en avance "


"Looks good, deff fancy and expensive "


"Famous egg burger; very fancy"


"Little gem salad, double cheeseburger, prime rib, the rib eye side of elote, truffle Mac and cheese"


"Great burger Ribeye Mac & cheese"


"Pollo 5/5 muy jugoso Mac and cheese 5/5 Pure 5/5 Reservar y pagar es un problema "


"Julio is the best waiter. Gave all 3 deserts (2 on house) and free mint water shots"


"Get the prime rib, burger, little gem salad and chocolate pie "


"Famous burger, white glove service "


"- burger (y++) - ribeye (y/n) >> wagu next time - fries (y/n) - green beans (y) - Gibson (y)"


"Recommandé par @briancantstopeating D’inscrire aux notifications pour ranger d’avoir une réservation !"


"Unbelievable burger, food, drinks, and ambiance "


"Consigliato da Michela Gombacci"


"expensive steakhouse & superclub"


"Tough reservations, french dip"


"Need a reservation- set notifications on Resy"


"Good luck getting a reservation. A must go to restaurant (steakhouse, Chicago transplant). French dip and burgers are amazing "


"Best burger in ny mais expensive "


"Burger Mack cheese crab cake"


"From creators of Au Cheval "


"american cheeseburger 10/10"


"Known for its rib eye and prime rib, burgers are also very good"


"Good for a fancier/more expensive dinner, this place is ideal for a good cut of meat or an amazing burger (it’s one of my favorites in the city). The chef is the same guy from Au Cheval. It’s a super tiny spot, and reservations are hard to come by, so if you decide you want to go, look on Resy a month out from the date you’re looking to reserve (reservations open ‪at midnight‬ a month in advance)."


"best burgers (allegedly) and pasta spot"


"Supposed to be one of the best burgers in ny, caccio e Pepe also really good"


"Best burger you’ll ever have. Get it with the egg!!!!! Gem salad with avo is really good for starters. Sides: fries, Mac n cheese, baked potato 10/10 "


"Make reservations in advance"


"Uma das melhores carnes. Preço fixo $120 por pessoa"


"Apparently burger is AMAZING"


"Lamb chops and roast prime rib beef to split amongst friends, classic west village steakhouse "


"Dinner with db (Jon and John ) 28 Jan 2021. 19 degree outside . Great steakhouse "


"#1 in Sistersnaking NYC Burger list"


"French dip sandwich is supposed to be best in the city (according to Burgevin) and burger is also excellent"


"Uber driver says best steak "


"Planqué en mode speackeasy / Décrit comme un « club de souper intime », le restaurant remporte un succès tel qu'il est difficile d'obtenir une table. Au menu, des pièces de viande titanesques cuisinées avec goût et des hamburgers soigneusement relevés d'aromates et d'alcools, apportés après une cuisson par d'aimables serveurs en costume."


"Gaby went here. Looked like incredible steakhouse. "


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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