Patent Pending
Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending

Patent Pending - Speakeasy Bar à Cocktails

Niché derrière une porte secrète dans un coffee shop appelé “Patent Coffee”, ce speakeasy propose également des cocktails faits maison avec en prime une déco et ambiance où on se sent bien ! Les boissons sont classées en quatre catégories électriques : énergie, fréquence, vibration et descente.

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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Speakeasy where Nicola Tesla used to do his experiments "


"Speakeasy - super bon cocktails 🍸 "


"Speakeasy super bien caché, hyper cozy. Cocktails délicieux mais un peu chers"


"Another speakeasy in the back of the bar, locate the hidden cavern connected via a natural arch"


"Speak east behind a coffee shop"


"Natasha recommended - it’s a speak easy"


"speakeasy behind a coffee shop, in Nikola Tesla's old building, tried to go there with Steph & Edgar"


"really cool, inventive cocktails"


"really cool, inventive cocktails"


"Speakeasy, good cocktails, hype has died down"


"Speakeasy w adam, Vic and Donny. Next to luxe collective group"


"Speakeasy needs reservation "


"Do a very sml selection of small bite. looks nice. Linked to Tesler.. to visit. Opens 5pm can walk in but can also reserve."


"The Patent Pending is a very popular NYC speakeasy, but what some folks don’t realize it that there’s now a second bar tucked behind it called The Lab. Opened in 2021 and seating only 30, the space is tiny (does “intimate” sound more romantic?) but memorable."


"Expensive cool cocktail bar"


"📷️ saved from instagram"


"Speakeasy derrière un café. Un peu bruyant mais excellents cocktails signature. "


"Speakeasy. Sage recommendation "


"Expensive but very atmospheric speakeasy inspired by Nikola Tesla, with interesting drinks and beautiful menu. Gets crowded easily so come early. Reservations only available with pre-paid three drinks each."


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d'aimer NY p.154"


"Low-lit bar behind a hidden door in Patent Coffee, serving cocktails with an electric theme."


"Speakeasy After an exhausting day at work, Manhattan’s office workers traipse to NoMad’s stylish Patent Pending for a much-needed pick-me-up. Housed in the basement of the Radio Wave Building, where Nikola Tesla experimented with radio waves in the 1800s, the speakeasy pays homage to the theme with seasonal cocktails like “Light Me Up” and “Currents and Coils.” In the back of a coffee shop in NoMad (called Patent Coffee) you’ll find the Tesla-inspired speakeasy, Patent Pending. Cute, right? Well it gets even better because the drinks are broken down into four electric categories: energy, frequency, vibration, a descent."


"Housed in building where nikola Tesla experimented with radio waves"


"Super dope looking cocktail "


"Go early - opens at 5:00. Nikola Themed speakeasy. Sliding door behind the coffee menu in the coffee shop"


"Nice electrical speakeasy! "




"Speakeasy behind a coffee bar with the same name. "


"no reservations. according style door opens in the back of patent coffee"


"High-end cocktail bar in the building where Nikola Tesla lived. "Experiment" cocktails"


"Speakeasy- based off of nicoli Tesla "


"Hiding behind an unassuming door in the back is Patent Pending—a swanky speakeasy in an old cellar of the Radio Wave Building"


"Through door in Patent Coffee"


"Hidden behind an accordion door in NoMad’s Patent Coffee, this 34-seat, radio-themed speakeasy is a portal to a bygone Manhattan — albeit one with a thirst for cocktails that could only be served today. One favorite is Off to Italy, a mix of housemade limoncello, vodka, rum, lemon/lime, vanilla, and mace that’s shaken with Greek yogurt for a creamy yet dry, savory finish. Serves coffee & breakfast in the am"


"Superbe cocktail bar. Speakeasy perdu dans l’arrière salle d’une coffee shop au cœur d’une bâtiment classé. Une pépite. Liste d’attente "


"4⭐️. Low-lit bar behind a hidden door in Patent Coffee, serving cocktails with an electric theme."


"Hidden speakeasy Reco by A guy name Patrick"


"Très petit resa à partir de 4 personnes "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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