Basilique Saint - François D'Assise
Basilique Saint - François D'Assise Basilique Saint - François D'Assise Basilique Saint - François D'Assise Basilique Saint - François D'Assise Basilique Saint - François D'Assise Basilique Saint - François D'Assise Basilique Saint - François D'Assise Basilique Saint - François D'Assise Basilique Saint - François D'Assise
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"UNESCO World Heritage Thirteenth-century priest St. Francis of Assisi (born Giovanni Bernardone) made a huge impact on the medieval church. His decision to renounce his worldly goods and lead a simple life as a wandering preacher earned him immense respect and helped to counter the widely held belief that many priests were overly privileged and clearly corrupt, and that the church was more interested in accumulating worldly wealth than in the spiritual wellbeing of its followers. Francis felt a special kinship with the poor, so it is ironic that he should have been buried in one of Italy's most sumptuous churches. Francis was so popular that he was canonized just two years after his death, before he had even received his official funeral. He had hoped to be buried in a pauper's grave on the Colle del Inferno (Hill of Hell, so-called because criminals were executed there), but he could never have envisaged that he would be honored with an eñormous double church- -the Basilica di San Francesco. The Lower Basilica was completed in just two years (1228-30), although this speed may have been ill-advised because the entire structure had to be underpinned in the 1470s. The dating of the Upper Basilica is less clear, but it was certainly completed by 1253 when both churches were consecrated together. After Francis's death, his body was held at the church of San Giorgio until it could be interred in the new foundation. Even then, the precise burial place was kept secret for fear that his relics would be stolen -a shocking reminder of the riches that the pilgrimage trade could generate. The saint's remains were rediscovered only in 1818 when they were installed in a new crypt. The church, meanwhile, was lavishly decorated with frescoes by all the major artists of the day, including Giotto."


"Très belle basilique, que ce soit l’inférieure ou la supérieure. Les entrées sont gratuites."


"Onder en Bovenkerk, romaanse gotiek ( wel kruisribgewelven, maar geen hoge vensters ipv Prachtige fresco’s (1292-96) over het leven van de heilige Franciscus, gebouwd in 1256 (relieken van heilige san Franciscus ( voor armoede koos; hoe hij in afzondering in de natuur ging bidden; over de wonderen die hij verrichtte; over hoe sterk hij zich inleefde in het lijden van Jezus, tot hij zelfs de wonden - stigmata - overnam; over hoe charismatisch hij kon preken, zodat zelfs de vogels luisterden.). Allemaal te zien in fresco’s deels door Giotto maar ook andere kunstenaars"


"• 23 Settembre 2018 • ᎪᏚᏚᎥᏚᎥ •"


"Una delle più belle basiliche d'Italia. Splendidamente decorata e dall'aria unica e mistica. Non si possono fare foto all'interno. Vale la pena una visita nella vita, almeno."


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