Silk Road
Silk Road Silk Road Silk Road Silk Road Silk Road Silk Road Silk Road Silk Road Silk Road

Restaurant Silk Road - Cuisine chinoise à Londres

Le restaurant Silk Road est un pionnier de la cuisine chinoise régionale à Londres. Situé à Camberwell, il met l'accent sur les plats de la province frontalière du nord-ouest du Xinjiang. C'est un havre convivial pour les amateurs de nouilles tirées à la main, de brochettes grillées, de dumplings et de ragoûts. Ne manquez pas les classiques régionaux tels que le poulet épicé 'big plate' ou 'middle plate'. Les saveurs peuvent être piquantes, mais elles sont adoucies par une multitude d'épices - un héritage de la célèbre route commerciale historique qui lui donne son nom. Prix : Brochette d'agneau Xinjiang à 1£ ; Poulet 'middle plate' aux nouilles à la ceinture à 9£. Commande recommandée : brochette de poisson, varech, pomme de terre aigre-douce et aubergine et chou à la maison.

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#Restaurant #Chinese #Asian #Asiatique #Chinois
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Supposed to be really good Chinese food. Big portions, get the noodles. "


"Ray best chinese recommendation"


"Restaurant chinois ; frontière du nord ouest du Xinjiang"


"Good noodles, very affordable. Don’t bother with the dumplings. "


"A pioneer of regional Chinese cuisine in London, this Camberwell cutie puts the focus on dishes from the north-west frontier province of Xinjiang. It’s a friendly haven for fans of hand-pulled noodles, skewered shish, dumplings and stews, so look for regional classics such as the chilli-spiked ‘big plate’ or ‘middle plate’ chicken. The flavours can be fiery, although they’re tempered with a plethora of spices – a legacy of its historic namesake trade route. Price: Xinjiang lamb shish £1; ‘middle plate’ chicken with belt noodles £9."


"lamb noodle, fried dumplings, medium chicken (good broth), fish skewer, home style cabbage "


"Really quite fantastic. It's got a rep and lives up to it. When you think Chinese the mind drifts straight to sweet and sour, black bean sauce, chow mein. However this is no Cantonese Chinese, this is Uyghur food from the North West of China. Big plate chicken is a must as is the black fungus. Stear clear of the kidneys unless you love the taste of piss... normally a favourite of mine but theirs misses the spot. everything else is stunning"


"Erchen Chang (BAO)’s place for skewers and dumplings"


"Cheap and spicy! Get the home cooked cabbage and aubergine "


"North-west chinese cuisine"


"Homestyle cabbage, pork with black fungus (not a lot of fungus), chicken with green chili, middle plate, garlic pac Choi (pas bcp de gout)"


"Exceptional Chinese cuisine in a very casual setting. Advance booking required."


"Very basic restaurant but food is great!!!"


"Authentic north Chinese cuisine. Always busy "


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