Sonoratown Sonoratown Sonoratown Sonoratown Sonoratown Sonoratown Sonoratown Sonoratown
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#Restaurant #Mexican #Mexicain #Tacos #Lunch
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"burritos - bean & cheese / chivichanga / In house made flour tortillas / carne asada meat from Mexico Also has new location on San Vicente. "


"#12 Best Restaurant by LA Time in 2023"


"BA, costilla asada taco, coconut horchata"


"Home made Sonora style tortillas with great Sonoran food. Rated as one of the best taco places in LA"


"restaurant traditionnel mexicain "


"Burrito 2.0 and chicken chimichanga are vibes. Red sauce is right level of spicy. Cheap. Delicious. "


"Try quesadilla and chivichanga"


"Tacos, Quesadillas, Chicis"


"Add this place to your own map if you want to try it or if your already love it ! 😉"


"#5 Sonoratown is Jennifer Feltham and Teodoro Diaz-Rodriguez’s culinary love letter to San Luis Río Colorado, the Arizona-Sonora border town where Diaz-Rodriguez was weaned on the basic dyad of modern norteño cooking: wheat flour tortillas and mesquite-grilled beef. The menu is basic, economical and utterly satisfying, revolving around carne asada, quesadillas in various configurations and guisados-filled chivichangas. For its carne asada, the kitchen uses mesquite-grilled short ribs, seasoned sparingly and chopped to smithereens. The beef is draped in salsa roja and guacamole and then folded into a handmade flour tortilla. The tortillas — marvelously stretchy and buttery — are at the heart of the Sonoratown enterprise. They have single-handedly raised the tortilla batting average for the entire city of Los Angeles. The kitchen sources ingredients with impressive fastidiousness: Feltham has been known to drive several hours by car to pick up bags of the soft Sonoran flour available only on the Mexican side of the border. Sonoratown’s achievement goes beyond excellent carne asada and flour tortillas, though — the restaurant is helping restore the historic primacy of northern Mexican cooking in Los Angeles. No alcohol. Street parking. Credit cards accepted."


"#5 Sonoratown is Jennifer Feltham and Teodoro Diaz-Rodriguez’s culinary love letter to San Luis Río Colorado, the Arizona-Sonora border town where Diaz-Rodriguez was weaned on the basic dyad of modern norteño cooking: wheat flour tortillas and mesquite-grilled beef. The menu is basic, economical and utterly satisfying, revolving around carne asada, quesadillas in various configurations and guisados-filled chivichangas. For its carne asada, the kitchen uses mesquite-grilled short ribs, seasoned sparingly and chopped to smithereens. The beef is draped in salsa roja and guacamole and then folded into a handmade flour tortilla. The tortillas — marvelously stretchy and buttery — are at the heart of the Sonoratown enterprise. They have single-handedly raised the tortilla batting average for the entire city of Los Angeles. The kitchen sources ingredients with impressive fastidiousness: Feltham has been known to drive several hours by car to pick up bags of the soft Sonoran flour available only on the Mexican side of the border. Sonoratown’s achievement goes beyond excellent carne asada and flour tortillas, though — the restaurant is helping restore the historic primacy of northern Mexican cooking in Los Angeles. No alcohol. Street parking. Credit cards accepted."


"modern norteno cooking / flour tortillas with soft Sonoran flour"


"Eater 2019's best There’s much to love about Jennifer Feltham and Teodoro Diaz-Rodriguez’s warm storefront taqueria — its menu of regional S"


Approuvé par 5 partenaires officiels



1179followers 627places
"Un restaurant mexicain de plus ? Détrompez-vous ! Dans cette petite échoppe on sert une cuisine du nord du Mexique, bien différente du reste du pays. La tortilla est faite à base de farine (et non de maïs) et présentée très fine, on y trouve d'ailleurs une certaine ressemblance avec les crêpes françaises. Les chefs de la région de Sonora sont également connus pour cuisiner la meilleure viande asada du pays. On peut dire que la réputation est respectée avec une viande cuite au feu de bois délicieuse. Pour une première on vous conseille le très appétissant Bean & Cheese Burrito.  Une superbe adresse pour un déjeuner rapide dans une ambiance familiale."
certified badge 101 Best restaurants of Los Angeles

101 Best restaurants of Los Angeles


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"#5 Sonoratown is Jennifer Feltham and Teodoro Diaz-Rodriguez’s culinary love letter to San Luis Río Colorado, the Arizona-Sonora border town where Diaz-Rodriguez was weaned on the basic dyad of modern norteño cooking: wheat flour tortillas and mesquite-grilled beef. The menu is basic, economical and utterly satisfying, revolving around carne asada, quesadillas in various configurations and guisados-filled chivichangas. For its carne asada, the kitchen uses mesquite-grilled short ribs, seasoned sparingly and chopped to smithereens. The beef is draped in salsa roja and guacamole and then folded into a handmade flour tortilla. The tortillas — marvelously stretchy and buttery — are at the heart of the Sonoratown enterprise. They have single-handedly raised the tortilla batting average for the entire city of Los Angeles. The kitchen sources ingredients with impressive fastidiousness: Feltham has been known to drive several hours by car to pick up bags of the soft Sonoran flour available only on the Mexican side of the border. Sonoratown’s achievement goes beyond excellent carne asada and flour tortillas, though — the restaurant is helping restore the historic primacy of northern Mexican cooking in Los Angeles. No alcohol. Street parking. Credit cards accepted."
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In the Loup - a foodie's world map


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