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287 utilisateurs

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#Restaurant #Hotel #Gastro #Gastronomique #Terrasse
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"Vue full mer ! Trop bon chocolat chaud "


"1 Michelin star 2024 (new) Green star (sustainable gastronomy) Chef Jérôme Gourmelen Imagine wild moorland buffeted by the ocean with the rocky island of Raguenez glinting in the sunshine just a short distance away. Sustainable gastronomy is the name of the game here: the ingredients are strictly seasonal, harvested from the vegetable garden or sourced from small-scale producers, and the fish is caught locally. Overlooking the sea, diners enjoy Jérôme Gourmelen's dishes, characterised by their well-defined flavours and careful presentation: beetroot medley, buttermilk cream split with herb-infused oil; gently cooked line-caught pollack, textures of cauliflower and a fish bone jus; lightly caramelised poached pear, dark chocolate crémeux and a Kremmig liqueur ice cream. Friendly service."


"Magnifique vue sur la mer Entre 60&110€ le menu"


"Reco Macha. Restau gastr trop bien. Île verte en face accessible à pied à marais basse"




"Restaurant Gastronomique au de gamme. Délicieux. Réserver. "


"Reco bonappetitmorgane oct22. Étoile verte Michelin. Reco silocave mars 24"


"Super lieu que j’ai eu l’occasion de tester plusieurs fois"


"Beau restaurant. 1er mai 2021"


"À la pointe Raguenez dans le Finistère Sud, chambres cosy, l’océan pour horizon et cuisine gastronomique dans l’assiette. On est bien. "


"Hôtel et restaurant du chef engagé Philippe Emanuelli"


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