Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam
Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam Buonasera Restaurant At The Jam
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420 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Italian #Italien #Food #Ristorante
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Restaurant rigolo où les tables s'empilent les unes sur les autres et auxquelles on accède par des petites échelles. spécialités italiennes agréables mais sans génie (12 à 16 £)"


"Overall: 6 Food: 6 Value: 6 Vibe: 7"


"Cool multi-layer tables, v good pasta"


"Similar to Amor Gastronomia (Holloway), but apparently worse than that"


"Restaurant with fun seating"


"Concept architectural très sympa et original "


"Hanging seating. Not for drinks - good only. Good date vibes or dinner "


"lovely food and really decent prices for the kings road. cool restaurant layout, quirky. nice cocktails, I had the gnocchi for my main and it was BANGING 10/10 huge portion couldn’t finish it all!!!"


"Food not great, small space"


"Italian, playful design, to try"


"really fun!! Fun seating, good Italian food with fantastic vegan, veggie and gf options. Staff was sooo friendly. Would bring people here. There was a calculated plot orchestrated by Jay to see how many drinks it would take for me to fall down the stairs. I was close. 4.5/5 "


"Restaurant dans les arbres, pour être HIGH"


"You’re seated at pine cubicles climbing the walls of this restaurant, with waiters serving your food via ladder. A little like dining in an upmarket treehouse"


"Pizza place with unique double decker seating (very cool)"


"Un restaurant italien.... et une cabane dans les arbres ??? "


"Best restaurant for dates - super good food, original concept (ask to be seated upstairs) "


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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