Enigma Enigma Enigma Enigma Enigma Enigma Enigma Enigma Enigma

Enigma - Restaurant Gastronomique ⭐️

Enigma est un restaurant gastronomique situé à Barcelone. Dirigé par le célèbre chef Albert Adrià, ancien d'EL BULI, Enigma propose une cuisine avant-gardiste et créative. Avec une étoile Michelin depuis 2023, ce restaurant est un incontournable pour les amateurs de gastronomie. Découvrez des plats uniques et innovants, inspirés de l'essence bullinienne et du concept gastronomique de Tickets. Réservez votre table dès maintenant et vivez une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle au cœur de Barcelone.

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#Restaurant #Restaurante #Gastro #Gastronomique #Ristorante
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"Restaurant préféré de Guillaume Sanchez (Neso) - Business of Bouffe "


"Chef’s table saison 5 Albert adria "


"Avantgarde - Albert Adrian - Chefs Table"


"Restaurant Michelin by Adria €220"


"Reco le club des andouilles "


"Restaurante de Albert Adria"


"Restaurant de Albert Adrià"


"1 Michelin star 2024 | World’s 50 Best Restaurant Worldwide. Unique 40 creations service Chef Oliver Peña This unique, daring and unusual restaurant has raised its game once again with its focus on technical excellence and, above all, a desire to amaze its guests. Behind the discreet façade is an interior where fantasy reigns supreme, combining originality with a radical design that will definitely raise the eyebrows, including ceilings that appear to be suspended mid-air and give the impression of being in a futuristic freezer room! Chef Albert Adrià is at the helm in the kitchen, where he concentrates on a single 25-course tasting menu which changes every month. On it, he unveils his full culinary mastery – the finishing touches to many of his visually inspired dishes are added in front of guests to enable them to fully appreciate the innumerable (and often magical) techniques that he employs. He always works with the very best seasonal ingredients and organises the culinary experience around 4 different options: Tasting, 7 Wine Regions, Mature Wines, and 7 Million Bubbles. Make sure you book well ahead."


"Это ресторан брата Ферран Адрия , надо однажды забронить столик. Это ресторан мишелин, дорого. "


"Albert Adriàn - Chef’s Table "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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