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"one of the last authentic prehistoric painted cave only 80 visitors per day allowed visited in 2024"
"Sur 120 m de long, la grotte de Font-de-Gaume permet d'admirer le dernier site à figures polychromes ouvert au public. Datées pour la plupart du magdalénien moyen (entre -16 000 et -13 000 ans), certaines peintures pariétales sont contemporaines de Lascaux (magdalénien ancien). Parmi 200 représentations, vous découvrirez une superbe frise polychrome de bisons, de chevaux et de mammouths, sans oublier un incroyable couple de rennes, qui semble s'animer. La grotte est classée au Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco."
"The Grotte de Font de Gaume is a series of caves containing prehistoric paintings just one kilometre from the small village of Les Eyzies, in the valley of the river Beune, which itself forms part of the Vézère Valley world heritage site in the Dordogne. The system was rediscovered in September 1901. The entrance to the grotte sits at the bottom of a large limestone cliff. The ticket office and parking are about 400 metres further down the hill, with a very pleasant walk between the ticket office and the caves. The cave was settled about 25,000 years ago, during the Ice Age, when animals such as mammoths and reindeer were common in the area. Passing through the narrow entrance to the cave you reach a long crevice formed by thousands of years of erosion, which in turn leads to other cave areas. The Font de Gaume grotte contains numerous colourful paintings dating from the Magdalenien period. Of more than 200 paintings in total at the Grotte de Font de Gaume (there are also some engravings), the majority are of bison. Mammoths, horses and reindeer are also represented, along with various other animals. The prehistoric painters almost never painted either animals that they used as food or pictures of people. The painters have skillfully used the shape of the rock, and shadings of paint colour, to add vitality and a three-dimensional look to their paintings. Unfortunately only a small part of the total can be viewed by the public. But this simple description is to undersell the experience of a visit to the Font de Gaume caves - the paintings really are extraordinary in their perfection and colour, and a visit is highly recommended. You really do feel a bond with the artists who decorated these caves so long ago, with only the dimmest light and a handful of painting materials to work with. "
"Grotte berceau de l’art rupestre. 25 des 230 peintures sont visibles, tracées par les humains de Cro-Magnon il y a 14000 ans "
"Grotte préhistorique originale accessible au public UNESCO : « sites préhistoriques et grottes ornées de la vallée de la Vézère » "
"Resto di homo sapiens - uomo di cro Magnon "
"Grottes ornées visitable - à visiter sarlat (Périgord noir)"
"Une des dernières grottes polychrome ouvertes au public. Revers de la médaille : plusieurs mois d'attente. Idem pour les Combarelles."