National Museum of the American Indian
National Museum of the American Indian National Museum of the American Indian National Museum of the American Indian National Museum of the American Indian National Museum of the American Indian National Museum of the American Indian National Museum of the American Indian
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"Museo nativi americani Entrata gratuita Dalle 10am alle 5pm"


"The New York branch of the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian is housed in the Alexander Hamilton US Customs House, one of the most sumptuous Beaux Arts buildings in the city. It's the perfect place to explore this museum and its impressive col-lections. The permanent exhibition, Infinity of Nations, is a must see and contains over 700 works that immerses visitors in Native cultures. Start your visit with the dazzling display of Native headdresses and experience sheer artistry and the undeniable link between humans and the natural world. A Yoeme deer dance headdress features a small deer head atop an ivory colored cap. The headdress symbolizes the tribe's bond with the animal world. An elaborate red feathered headdress or cape might be worn for a child's naming ceremony or boy's initiation. There are collections of baskets, moccasins, and ceramics throughout the museum that are artfully embellished and perfectly useful. An 1850s buffalo hide, also known as a Warrior's Exploit Robe, and one of the few remaining in existence, depicts important military exploits with simple line drawings. An especially poignant artifact is the Inuit Woman's Inner Parka, which is constructed of caribou skin and trimmed with some 160,000 beads. Its broad shoulders enabled a mother to slip her baby from her back to the front for nursing and served as a necessary garment during the cold Hudson Bay winters. At the same time, there are many more recent current artifacts. One of the most fascinating is a 2002 Jingle Dress, with jingles fashioned out of lined notebook paper, making a rustling sound when the dress is worn. Artist Maria Hupfield says it's an homage to indige nous writers, whose names are inscribed in each jingle."


"NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN MUSEo EDIFICIO DI RILIEVO pUNTo pANoRAMICo MUSEo Cartina p438 (%212-514-3700;; 1 Bowling Green; h10-17, 10-20 gio; b4/5 fermata Bowling Green; R/W fermata Whitehall St) F Questo elegante museo dedicato alla cultura dei nativi americani, affiliato alla Smithsonian Institution, occupa lo spettacolare edificio del 1907 progettato da Cass Gilbert, un tempo sede della Custom House (la dogana) e considerato uno dei più raffinati esempi di architettura Beaux-Arts a New York. Al di là di una vasta rotonda di forma ellittica, le splendide sale espositive ospitano mostre sempre diverse che documentano l’arte, la cultura, la vita e le credenze dei nativi americani. La collezione permanente comprende una splendida sezione dedicata alle arti decorative, ai tessuti e agli oggetti cerimoniali di popoli nativi di tutto il continente. Le quattro grandi sculture femminili visibili all’esterno dell’edificio sono opera di Daniel Chester French, che in seguito avrebbe scolpito la monumentale statua di Abraham Lincoln seduto al Lincoln Memorial di Washington, DC. Le sculture rappresentano (da sinistra a destra) l’Asia, l’America del Nord, l’Europa e l’Africa, e rivelano quale fosse l’idea del mondo che imperava in America al principio del XX secolo. Il museo offre anche un ricco programma culturale che comprende spettacoli di danza e musica, letture per i bambini, dimostrazioni d’artigianato, proiezioni cinematografiche e laboratori. Il gift shop del museo propone un vasto assortimento di gioielli e articoli artigianali dei nativi americani, oltre a libri e CD."


"Admirer la statue du taureau devant "


"Museo nazionale degli indiani d’America"


"Housed in a former customs house at the southern tip of Manhattan, the National Museum of the American Indian is dedicated to preserving and sharing the histories of the more than 1,200 indigenous cultures of the Americas. The collection includes beaded and feathered ceremonial objects, traditional works of art made out of carved wood and bone, exquisitely detailed clothing, and everyday items like baskets, pottery, and instruments, as well as photographs and other archival materials"


"Actually a very cool bldg in a great location for other things to see."


"Tous les jours de 10h à 17h Gratuit Expo photo qui termine en mars 2023"


"ingresso gratuito, bagni carini"

"C’est mon musée préféré parmi le choix incroyable de musée gratuit sur Washington 🇺🇸"


"10 h à 17 h gratuit. 1 bowling green"

"More information in the Everyman New York MapGuide 2020! The Everyman MapGuide to New York can be found in your nearest bookshop or ordered online"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
certified badge New York 2018

New York 2018


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"Le musée est installé dans l'ancien bureau des douanes de New York construit en 1907. Bâtie au début du XXe siècle, cette maison possède d'étonnantes sculptures, des vitraux de Tiffany et, à l'intérieur, l'un des plus beaux atriums de New York : une rotonde décorée de 16 fresques glorifiant la société et la nation américaines. Le bâtiment abrite le musée consacré aux Indiens d'Amérique du Nord (de la côte Est à l'Alaska, des Sioux aux Cheyennes, la plupart des tribus y sont représentées), le plus important du continent. Il a été créé grâce à la formidable collection Heye, constituée avec un savoir-faire encyclopédique. Le musée expose plus de 800 000 objets, cultuels et profanes, de la vie quotidienne. Il y manque, hélas, souvent une explication, ce qui n'empêche pas d'admirer, mais ne permet pas toujours de comprendre. On y voit de vrais scalps, la pipe personnelle de Sitting Bull, l'habit de guerre de Geronimo, des masques, des haches... On y voit comment, au contact des Blancs, les Indiens ont transformé leur artisanat. On peut rêver, encore que tant de symboles d'une vie libre soient poignants à observer à l'abri des vitrines, comme si on avait mis la liberté en cage. Une boutique vend de la littérature spécialisée, des objets et des bijoux artisanaux fabriqués par ceux que l'on appelle Native Americans, et qui forment encore à ce jour la communauté la plus démunie des Etats-Unis."
certified badge New York

New York


1706followers 382places
"More information in the Everyman New York MapGuide 2020! The Everyman MapGuide to New York can be found in your nearest bookshop or ordered online"
certified badge New York

New York


405followers 382places
"More information in the Knopf New York MapGuide 2020! Order the guide here:"
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