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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Nigerian #African #Tapas #Africain
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"Nigerians in London have enjoyed their country’s varied cooking for decades, staying faithful to its roots and generally steering clear of the global fusion game. However, Emeka and Ifeyinwa Frederick have changed that by opening the world’s first Nigerian tapas joint. The sibling duo made a name for themselves with a popular pop-up, stirring up tastes of Lagos at venues across London. Then in February 2020, following a crowdfunding campaign, they opened Chuku’s, a Tottenham restaurant serving Nigerian dishes with a contemporary twist. Chuku’s repackages traditional Nigerian fare as vegetarian friendly – quite a conceptual coup considering how meat-obsessed Nigeria can be (waiters in the motherland have pressed me many a time for my ‘protein’ option). One meatless option is the pounded yam balls in egusi (ground melon seed) and spinach soup, presented in a playful tricolour of green, red and yellow. My favourite was the sinasir and miyan taushe – rice pancakes for dunking in a pumpkin and peanut sauce. But incorrigible carnivores can take comfort in the chicken wings coated in caramel infused with kuli kuli (spicy peanut) – a nod to dishes from northern Nigeria. Africa meets Europe in a delicious and innovative new take on Nigerian cuisine. Noo Saro-Wiwa"


"Nigerian Tapas sangria is delicious"


"Share the fluffy yam dumplings or the beef ayamase, which comes smothered in kicky green pepper sauce. And don’t miss the yam and smoked mackerel croquettes, which bring together salt, crunch, and big heat from the scotch bonnet jam. "


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