Alcázar royal de Madrid
Alcázar royal de Madrid Alcázar royal de Madrid Alcázar royal de Madrid Alcázar royal de Madrid Alcázar royal de Madrid Alcázar royal de Madrid Alcázar royal de Madrid Alcázar royal de Madrid Alcázar royal de Madrid

Alcázar royal de Madrid - Palais Royal de Madrid

L'Alcázar royal de Madrid, également connu sous le nom de Palais Royal de Madrid, est la résidence officielle de la famille royale espagnole. Bien que la famille ne vive pas ici, le palais est utilisé pour les fonctions d'État et certaines parties sont ouvertes au public. Le palais a une histoire riche, ayant été construit sur le site d'une forteresse islamique du IXe siècle. Il a été reconstruit en un château au XVIe siècle et a ensuite été remplacé par le palais actuel en pierre et en brique au XVIIIe siècle. Le palais abrite une collection d'œuvres d'art importantes, dont des peintures de Goya, Tiepolo, Velázquez et Caravaggio, ainsi qu'une collection d'instruments de musique rares. Ne manquez pas de visiter la Real Armería, qui expose des armures datant du XIIIe siècle. Profitez de votre visite au Palais Royal de Madrid, le plus grand palais royal d'Europe occidentale, et découvrez l'histoire et la beauté de ce monument emblématique de Madrid.

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"Bonne visite à faire, de préférence avec un guide pour avoir plus d’informations "


"Super sympa, pour les -25 ans 7€ l'entrée super visite, attention quand il fait chaud quand même un coup de soleil est vite arrivé "


"Relève de la garde les mercredis et samedis matin 💂‍♀️ 💂‍♂️ "


"the largest royal palace in Europe. 18th c."


"Avec vue sur la ville et les montagnes "


"Although you won’t find the Spanish king and queen living in Palacio Real anymore, it is still the official residence of the Spanish monarchy. Inspired by the Italian sculptor Bernini’s sketches for the construction of the Louvre in Paris, the palace faces a large central courtyard and contains 3418 rooms, making it the largest functioning royal palace in Europe. The biweekly changing of the guard happens every Wednesday and Saturday, but the grander spectacle is the Solemn Changing of the Guard that takes place every first Wednesday of the month, showcasing a parade of horses and the Spanish Royal Guard, as performed during the time of King Alfonso XII."


"Honestly so cool and so worth seeing, book tickets pretty far in advance "


"Amazing, free entry for EU residents in the afternoons Monday-Thursday. We did the audio guide tour which was €5 but totally worth it, so much interesting stuff everywhere and every room is decorated so over the top, it’s incredible. Definitely take any visitors here "


"Une vue panoramique incroyable !!!"


"Magnifique, a voir au coucher du soleil "


"Camille été 2021 et Utrip janvier 2022 "


"Gratuit entre 17h et 19h en été Compter 2h Penser à visiter avec : le jardin de Sabatini et du Campo Del Moro 💂‍♀️🐴 : On peut regarder la relève de la garde solennelle tous les 1er mercredis du mois OU tous les mercredis et samedis de 11h à 14h et de 10h à 12h du 01/07 au 31/08. "


"Gratuit du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 19h Sinon 12 euros et 6 euros étudiant "


"0€ 17h-18h lundi-jeudi 12€ 10h-17h jardins ouverts 10h à 19h "

"a faire absolument à Madrid c'est magnifique "


"vicino c'è un parco con vista, bello al tramonto"


"huge courtyard for views of the palace facade as well as the cathedral directly across the plaza; inside includes a short museum of the palace rooms. advance tickets highly recommended as the no-advance-ticket line was stupid long"


"entrée à 6€, mais certains jours sont gratuits comme le mardi de 17h à 19h (à vérifier)"


"Gratuit du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 19h Sinon 12€"


"3 se renseigner pour la visite "


"gratis dal lunedì al giovedì dalle 16 alle 20 "


"Luni-joi intre 16-18 - intrare gratuită "


"très beau, possibilité de faire une belle balade "


"The Palacio Real de Madrid, or Royal Palace of Madrid, is the official residence of the Spanish royal family, although the family does not live here but in the Palacio de la Zarzuela on the fringes of Madrid, The Royal Palace of Madrid is, however, used for state functions, and when not in use parts of it are open to the public. The palace stands on a site first occupied by a ninth-century Islamic fortress built by Mohammed I, Emir of Córdoba that was later used sporadically by the kings of Castile when the Spanish regained control of the city in 1085. King Philip II of Spain moved the royal court there in 1561. The fortress then gave way to a castle known as the Antiguo Alcázar, or Old Castle, in the sixteenth century. When the building burned down in 1734 King Philip V wanted to have a new palace built in the same locale, but this time the structure was made entirely of stone and brick rather than wood, in order to minimize the risk of fire. Building work started in 1738 and was completed in 1755. A number of architects were involved in the project, including renowned Italian architect Francisco Sabatini, and the magnificent gardens that lie to the north of the palace were named in his honor. The building was first used as a royal residence by King Carlos Ill in 1764. The vast palace measures 1.5 million square feet (135,000 sq m) and is home to a number of important artworks by painters such as Francisco Goya, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Diego Velázquez, and Michelangelo Caravaggio, as well as a collection of musical instruments made by master craftsmen, including the only complete Stradivarius string quintet in the world. The palace is also notable for its collection of armor in La Real Armería, or Royal Armory, which dates back to the thirteenth century."


"Tarifs (2022) : 12€ billet simple, 16€ avec les cuisines, + si audioguide. Heures de gratuité (soir)."


"12€ Puedes acceder gratis de lunes a jueves de 16:00 a 18:00 (de octubre a marzo) o de 17:00 a 19:00 (de abril a septiembre)"


"Gratis de lunes a jueves de 17 a 19"


"Il Palazzo reale di Madrid, anche chiamato Palazzo d’Oriente, riprendendo il nome della piazza sulla quale si affaccia ad est (un paradosso, perché il palazzo si trova nella zona più occidentale della città), è stata ed è ancora oggi la residenza ufficiale della famiglia reale spagnola. Oggi il palazzo è utilizzato esclusivamente per le cerimonie, le conferenze e gli atti ufficiali, dato che i monarchi vivono nel Palazzo della Zarzuela, situato alla periferia di Madrid. Il palazzo fu costruito nello stesso luogo dove sorgeva l'Alcázar, fortezza musulmana del IX secolo edificata su ordine dell'emiro Mohamed I per difendersi dall'avanzata dei cristiani, divenuta nel XVI secolo palazzo reale dopo la decisione di stabilire a Madrid la capitale dell'Impero spagnolo; fu residenza della famiglia reale spagnola fino alla sua distruzione, causata da un terribile incendio avvenuto alla vigilia di Natale del 1734, ai tempi di Filippo V. La ricostruzione del palazzo avvenne sotto la commissione dello stesso re di Spagna Filippo V, il quale ordinò che il palazzo venisse ricostruito nello stesso luogo, ma che fosse fatto solo di pietra senza neanche un pezzo di legno (esclusi gli arredi) per evitare futuri incendi. L'incarico venne affidato a Filippo Juvarra, ma sarà Sacchetti a proseguire il progetto dopo la morte di Juvarra. I lavori iniziarono nel 1735 e durarono ventisei anni. Il primo sovrano a stabilirsi nel palazzo fu Carlo III nel 1764. L'edificio, costituito da 3418 stanze che insistono su un'area di 135 000 m², è la più grande residenza reale d'Europa."


"Mon endroit préféré à Madrid ! 😍 C’est génial pour aller se balader ! Un conseil y aller pour le couché du soleil sur la grande place avec une vue surprenante sur Madrid ! "


"Just one of those things you have to see"


"Quand le soleil se couche à peine, super musique et église à visiter à côté "


"Visite gratuite 45minutes avant la fermeture (à partir de 16h en hiver et 17h en été) Très belles pièces, l'extérieur est très agréable à visiter et donne une belle vue sur une belle partie de Madrid Ressenti : 🤩"


"Il y a des moments de visites gratuites, tout n’est pas accessible mais ça vaut le coup de faire comme ça "


"Mon- Sat : 10-6pm and Sunday 10-4pm. Free hours last 2 hours of the day from Mon-Thursday. Regular price : 12 euros"


"L'ancien palais royal de Madrid. Très intéressant à visiter, pas un immanquable mais il vaut le détour !"


"Fontaines, labyrinthe, jardines de Sabatini (gratuit) "


"őrségváltás: szerda, szobat 10-12 héfőtől csütörtökig 5-7 ingyenes"


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