Discovery Park
Discovery Park Discovery Park Discovery Park Discovery Park Discovery Park Discovery Park Discovery Park Discovery Park Discovery Park
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Park #View #Visit #Nature #Beach
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"The light house was underwhelming but the adventures were so much fun "


"Huge and diverse park which held also big part of history of the city! "


"Discovery Park is where Temple Of The Dog filmed the music video for Hunger Strike with Eddie Vedder in 1991. This combined park and beach area is larger than 2 km2 and at the tip is the romantic white lighthouse and a beautiful and calming view of the lake and mountains. Take half a day off to walk or bike through the park and the beach and follow in the footsteps of the once young, long-haired guys while you let the sound of Hunger Strike run through your mind either by fantasy or headphones."


"Discovery Park is a 534 acre natural area park operated by the Seattle Parks and Recreation. It is the largest city park in Seattle, and occupies most of the former Fort Lawton site. The site is one of breathtaking majesty. Situated on Magnolia Bluff overlooking Puget Sound, Discovery Park offers spectacular view of both the Cascade and the Olympic Mountain ranges. The secluded site includes two miles of protected tidal beaches as well as open meadow lands, dramatic sea cliffs, forest groves, active sand dunes, thickets and streams. The role of Discovery Park is to provide an open space of quiet and tranquility away from the stress and activity of the city, a sanctuary for wildlife, as well as an outdoor classroom for people to learn about the natural world. Maintained in its semi-natural condition the park will continue to offer a biologically rich and diverse natural area for urban dwellers and an unmatched opportunity for environmental education. Boating access available at 100' of shoreline north of the West Point Lighthouse and 100' of shoreline south of the West Point Lighthouse. Access is restricted to boats arriving by water only. In 2017, a renovation project updated the play area equipment, improved safety, increased play area accessibility in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and provided new picnic tables and seating. Play equipment includes climbing structures, a zip line, swings, and structures that resemble tree houses. The project ensures ADA access and maintenance access to the playground area from park pathways. The play area equipment is appropriate for children of all abilities, including toddlers and older children. The new equipment is composed of materials which can withstand the elements."


"Immense espace vert au bord de la mer"

"Rugged trails & beaches, plus scenery"


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