New York Transit Museum Store
New York Transit Museum Store New York Transit Museum Store New York Transit Museum Store New York Transit Museum Store New York Transit Museum Store New York Transit Museum Store New York Transit Museum Store New York Transit Museum Store New York Transit Museum Store
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"Musée à 10 dollars sur l’histoire du métro de NY "


"From the outside, this Brooklyn subway entrance looks like any other. But it's not. It's really an underground museum, where you can discover the nostalgic side of Big Apple transit. Located inside the decommissioned Court Street subway station, the New York Transit Museum has two levels to explore. It's the kind of place little kids love to discover. And if you look closely, you'll see small design elements of New York City travel: the artful side of the subway. Begin on the lower-level platform, where you'll find a fleet of vintage train cars. Step on board. The oldest, a 1907 wooden car, looks a bit cabin-like, painted a rustic brown. Inside, you'll discover the very handsome rattan covered seats, with their basket-like weave. Made from woven reeds, rattan was an inexpensive and durable form of upholstery. And yet to the modern eye, it looks fancy. Vintage advertisements line the train walls and immerse you in the period, like an image of a luscious strawberry shortcake for Royal Baking Powder. Then don't miss the 1949 Million Dollar Train, so called because of the hefty price tag when ten of these cars were purchased. Lively spring green, with apple-red floors, the stainless-steel car features round porthole windows, like something out of a Hitchcock movie. The ceramic arts are well-represented here, with vintage, terracotta plaques designed and produced to make subway stops beautiful and distinctive. We see the 50th Street plaque, manufactured in 1904 by the iconic Grueby Faience Company. It features their trademark matte green glaze, modeled in an Arts and Crafts aesthetic. Then finally, we see a mini exhibition of specially commissioned subway art. Beginning in 1991, the city selected artists to design posters for the train cars, illustrating favorite destinations, like peacocks for the Bronx Zoo and lively scenes from Times Square."


"Déambulation planquée dans les plus vieilles rames de métro "


"Plein d’anciens metros, histoire de construction des metros de 1900-1920, construction des metros sous l’eau puis jeter les metros usages dans la mer pour en faire des coraux artificiels, technique de construction pour faire les stations: creuser puis recouvrir, plein de pompes a eaux encore actuellement, machine de signalisation pour operer les switchs et les alertes en fonctionnement (car le musee est une vraie station avec des rails actifs electriques), evolution des machines a tickets / avec des jetons (certains mettaient du papier en dessous, attendaient qu’une personne insere son jeton, aille au guichet pour se plaindre et pendant ce temps aspirer avec la bouche le jeton pour le recuperer -> ils ont finalement mis du detergent pour arreter cette pratique!)"


"Museo dei trasporti pubblici"


"musée sur le métro de New York rigolo et sympa mais pas à faire en top priorité très cool pour des enfants "

"The New York Transit Museum is a historical display that focuses on the New York City Subway, bus, and trains. It was established in 1976. Why You Should Go The local subway is one of the most well-known subways globally. Visitors to New York can learn more about it through the historical artifacts located in the exhibits both indoors and outdoors. What to Do After looking at the artifacts on display inside, head on over to the lower level and out to the platform, here, you’ll find a few historic New York subway trains permanently retired and displayed."


"Non pas musée des intestins mais des moyens de transports dans ancienne bouche de métro - 10 dollars"


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d’aimer NY p.244 et p.32"


"Hosted in abandoned subway stations p112"


"The New York Transit Museum is a museum that displays historical artifacts of the New York City Subway, bus, and commuter rail systems in the greater New York City metropolitan region. The museum is located in the decommissioned Court Street subway station in Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. The station is a popular movie set. Many films have used the station, including Guilty Bystander, The FBI Story, The Taking of Pelham 123, and others. On the platform level, two fully powered and operational subway tracks contain many historic examples of New York City subway and elevated railway equipment on permanent display. Preserved railcars, most of which can still be operated, date as far back as the predecessor companies that came before the New York City Transit Authority, such as the BMT and IRT private companies, and the city-owned and operated IND. During Yankees playoff games, you can ride a vintage train from here all the way to Yankee stadium!"


"Un musée des transports installé dans une ancienne station de métro. A voir : rames de métro de toutes les époques. Un endroit fou !"


"Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville New York 2020 (Quartier I) ! Commandez le guide ici :"


"story of New York’s subways"


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