Storm King Art Center
Storm King Art Center Storm King Art Center Storm King Art Center Storm King Art Center Storm King Art Center Storm King Art Center Storm King Art Center Storm King Art Center Storm King Art Center
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"Museum Pass at Rutherford Public Library"


"MCA reciprocal privileges "


"This 200-hectare open-air gallery, a 90- minute drive from New York, has one of the largest collections of contemporary sculpture in the States, dotted throughout a rolling pastoral landscape of meadows and forest, originally laid out by William A Rutherford. There are pieces by Maya Lin, Roy Lichtenstein, Magdalena Abakanowicz and abstract expressionist Mark di Suvero, whose five works (above) were procured after his show at the Whitney (see p074). Storm King was founded in 1960 by Ralph E Ogden and H Peter Stern as a museum devoted to the 19th-century Hudson River School painters but by the next year they had changed tack. The list of impressive acquisitions and site-specific commissions (including earthworks) is ever-increasing. 1 Museum Road, T845 534 3115,"


"This 200-hectare open-air gallery, a 90- minute drive from New York, has one of the largest collections of contemporary sculpture in the States, dotted throughout a rolling pastoral landscape of meadows and forest, originally laid out by William A Rutherford. There are pieces by Maya Lin, Roy Lichtenstein, Magdalena Abakanowicz and abstract expressionist Mark di Suvero, whose five works (above) were procured after his show at the Whitney (see p074). Storm King was founded in 1960 by Ralph E Ogden and H Peter Stern as a museum devoted to the 19th-century Hudson River School painters but by the next year they had changed tack. The list of impressive acquisitions and site-specific commissions (including earthworks) is ever-increasing. 1 Museum Road, T845 534 3115,"


"A day of laughter and adventure"


"centre artistique en pleine journée"


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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