McMenamins Kennedy School
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"Really cool old school that was converted to multiple restaurants and small little bars in each classroom. Very unique, decent food "
"Food is good but maybe just stick to beer and tots. Good vibes"
"🇫🇷 Les restaurants @mcmenamins sont à découvrir à tout prix lorsque vous venez dans le Pacific North West. La plupart sont installé dans des monuments historiques ou hors du commun comme des anciennes églises ou même des anciennes école comme ici la Kennedy Elementary School qui abrite également un hotel et un cinéma... il paraitrait même que l'école soit hantée! Cette école a été construite en 1915 et abandonnée dans les année 90. 🍽🚌👻 🇺🇸 @mcmenamins restaurants are the place to go when you come in the Pacific North West. A lot are located in historic buildings or even surprising ones such as old churches. This one is in an old school, the Kennedy Elementary School, and has also a theatre and a hotel... people even say that it's haunted... The school was built in 1915 and abandoned in the 1990s."