Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant
Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant Rhumerie de Chamarel Restaurant
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"THE RHUMERIE DE CHAMAREL Did you know that Mauritius is famous for the rum? Well, rum plays an important part in Mauritius' culture and history, and the rum tasting is a must-do activity while on the island. Chamarel distillery is one of the best places you can visit when it comes to Mauritian rum, and it's really close to 7 Colored Earth and the waterfall. This rum distillery is very popular, and on a busy day in high season, you might need to wait a little bit before the next tour in English is available. The tour is great even for people who are not particularly into alcohol, as you will learn how they make rum from the raw sugar cane. At the end of the tour, you can taste up to 9 different types of rum. The entrance fee is 450 MUR for an adult. Even though the local rum is really tasty, it's strong, and if you drive there by yourself, make sure that someone in your group stays sober before you hit the road again."


"Visite de 15 minutes, claire, simple ! Dégustation à la fin "


"Can visit the rum factory + have a nice lunch / dinner with rum based dishes "




"Overlooking the road leading to the Seven Colored Earths bordered by fields of pineapples, sugar cane and tropical fruits, the Rhumerie offers tastings of agricultural rums distilled on site, guided tours, a shop and a restaurant at the evolving and refined menu, L'Alchimiste. Virginie Panthéon"


"Sympa mais super court ! Le cadre est juste ouf je vous le conseil ! Juste les routes pour y aller c’est chaud. Resto cool, pas extraordinaire mais sympa"


"Azienda produttrice di rum nel bel mezzo della natura, permette ai visitatori un tour di degustazione e/o di mangiare nell’ottimo ristorante"


"Beautiful flower arrangement at @chamarel_distillery 🌈"


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