The Noguchi Museum
Musée Noguchi - Art, Culture et Visite
Le Musée Noguchi est un musée d'art contemporain et de culture situé à New York. Il a été fondé et conçu par l'artiste américano-japonais Isamu Noguchi, l'un des plus grands sculpteurs du XXe siècle. Il a créé des meubles, des luminaires, des céramiques, même des terrains de jeux et des décors de théâtre. Né à Los Angeles, il a grandi au Japon, a appris son métier à New York et a étudié et collaboré partout dans le monde. En 1960, il a installé son studio-maison à Queens, puis a ouvert ce musée dans un bâtiment industriel en face en 1985. Le musée expose son œuvre, des sculptures élémentaires à la fois modernistes et traditionnelles, aux lampes en papier 'Akari' qu'il a produites au Japon dans les années 1950. Ne manquez pas les archives de correspondance et les modèles, ainsi que le charmant jardin de bambous et de cerisiers pleureurs. La boutique vend les pièces de Noguchi, y compris sa table basse de 1944. Fermé les lundis et mardis. Adresse : 9-01 33rd Road, T718 204 7088,
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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs
Approuvé par 12 partenaires officiels

My Secret NY
"The museum exhibits an unparalleled collection of Noguchi’s sculptures and design. Enjoy the serenity of the space and its refined garden."

Sean Glass
"The museum exhibits an unparalleled collection of Noguchi’s sculptures and design. Enjoy the serenity of the space and its refined garden."

New York 2018
"Espace zen par excellence, ce lieu magnifique doublé d'un jardin intérieur expose les oeuvres de culture américano-japonaise du sculpteur Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988). Avec ces pièces parfois immenses de métal, de pierres et de bois, Noguchi nous entraîne dans son monde, où l'art de créer et l'art de se relaxer sont intimement liés. Le design intérieur d'un grand artiste, à voir !"

New York
"More information in the Everyman New York MapGuide 2020! The Everyman MapGuide to New York can be found in your nearest bookshop or ordered online"

Cartoville New York 2024
"Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville NewYork 2024 (Quartier J) !"

New York
"More information in the Knopf New York MapGuide 2020! Order the guide here:"


Sovanna Mv

Experience NY

Alice Barbier & js Roques

Valentine Cinier

Rémi Ferrante Hartman
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"It's rare to enter a museum that was designed and installed by the artist himself and filled with his iconic works, often placed exactly where he wanted them. But that's the case at the Noguchi Museum in Long Island City. It's as if the spirit of the sculptor is guiding you along the display of his iconic works. One of the leading sculptors and designers of the 20th century, Japanese-American Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988) established a studio in the neighborhood in the 1960s. He later purchased this 1920s industrial building across the street from his studio to show his life's work and build a space of quiet reflection. To begin, enter the open-air, cinder block building that was once a small gas station. Fresh air filters in, and sinewy birch trees bring nature indoors. Large basalt sculptures look like looming personages. In the polished and oxidized surfaces, you see the hand of nature and of the sculptor. There is a blending of East and West, traditional and modern. These are some of the tensions Noguchi played with throughout his life. Inside, the white, windowed galleries, the feel is spare and simple. The placement of the works is important, often infused with a sense of poetry. One large work might dominate, while smaller sculptures appear randomly set on the floor. You may notice the artist's biomorphic aesthetic, where works sometimes appear abstract and yet somehow human at the same time.' "The best is that which is most spontaneous or seemingly so," Noguchi said of his ceramic works. That ease of placement extends to an outdoor sculpture garden, which fuses form, nature, and neighborhood. It's the perfect place to reflect on the works all around. In the giftshop finally, we see Noguchi the designer in his iconic Akari light sculptures. Made from handmade washi paper with bamboo ribbing, the lanterns glow from within. They are considered icons of 1950's modern design."
"MCA reciprocal privileges "
"Jardin et interieur rocher, luminaire"
"Musée génial. On s’y sent bien. On flâne. Ambiance minérale. A faire pour être loin des foules. "
"très beau musée très esthétique et relaxant 12$, 6$ étudiant, gratuit avec Columbia "
"The Noguchi Museum (chartered as The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum) is a museum and sculpture garden, designed and created by the Japanese American sculptor Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988)"
"Spacious Layout, Sculpture oriented, Away from the crowd"
"Us-Japanese artist Isamu Noguchi was one of the 20th century's greatest sculptors, and designed furniture, lighting, ceramics, even playgrounds and theatre sets. Born in LA, he grew up in Japan, learnt his craft in New York and studied and collaborated all over the world. He set up a studio-home in Queens in 1960 and then this museum in an industrial building over the road in 1985. It displays his oeuvre, from the elemental sculptures, which are at once modernist and traditional, to the papery 'Akari' lamps he produced in Japan in the 1950s. Don't skip the archives of correspondence and models or the delightful garden of bamboo and weeping cherry trees. The store sells Noguchi's pieces, including his 1944 'Coffee Table'. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. 9-01 33rd Road, T718 204 7088,"
"Us-Japanese artist Isamu Noguchi was one of the 20th century's greatest sculptors, and designed furniture, lighting, ceramics, even playgrounds and theatre sets. Born in LA, he grew up in Japan, learnt his craft in New York and studied and collaborated all over the world. He set up a studio-home in Queens in 1960 and then this museum in an industrial building over the road in 1985. It displays his oeuvre, from the elemental sculptures, which are at once modernist and traditional, to the papery 'Akari' lamps he produced in Japan in the 1950s. Don't skip the archives of correspondence and models or the delightful garden of bamboo and weeping cherry trees. The store sells Noguchi's pieces, including his 1944 'Coffee Table'. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. 9-01 33rd Road, T718 204 7088,"
"Super calme et reposant, très belle disposition "
"Stone sculptures and outdoor zen garden featuring Isamu Noguchi’s celebrated works of art."
"Musée avec que les œuvres d’un créateur, super sympa, pas beaucoup de monde et y a un petit jardin mignon ($6)"
"musée zen dans son ancien atelier et jardins"
"Musée du plasticien et designer Isamu Noguchi"
"Recommandé par shopping insolite à NY p.269 et 300 raisons d’aimer NY p.187"
"One of the coolest museums go to the gift shop to get an akari lamp"
"Isamu Noguchi Museum is virtually unknown to most New Yorkers, but I will highly recommend a visit . The Japanese- American artist Noguchi created here an oasis of Zen-like calm and tranquility in a Japanese garden surrounded by many of his works . Open Wednesday -Sunday 11-17 . "
" 10$"
"Piccolo museo in onore dello scultore giapponese Noguchi "
"Une adresse zen qui renferme un jardin intérieur où sont exposées les œuvres du sculpteur Isamu Noguchi"
"Une adresse zen qui renferme un jardin intérieur où sont exposées les œuvres du sculpteur Isamu Noguchi"
"The Noguchi Museum celebrates the life of artist Isamu Noguchi and the tremendous works he left behind"
"The museum exhibits an unparalleled collection of Noguchi’s sculptures and design. Enjoy the serenity of the space and its refined garden."
"The museum exhibits an unparalleled collection of Noguchi’s sculptures and design. Enjoy the serenity of the space and its refined garden."
"The museum exhibits an unparalleled collection of Noguchi’s sculptures and design. Enjoy the serenity of the space and its refined garden."
"The museum exhibits an unparalleled collection of Noguchi’s sculptures and design. Enjoy the serenity of the space and its refined garden."
"The museum exhibits an unparalleled collection of Noguchi’s sculptures and design. Enjoy the serenity of the space and its refined garden."