Chamarel Waterfall
Chamarel Waterfall Chamarel Waterfall Chamarel Waterfall Chamarel Waterfall Chamarel Waterfall Chamarel Waterfall Chamarel Waterfall Chamarel Waterfall
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Visite #Cascade #Nature #Balade #Vue
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"CHAMAREL WATERFALL The highest single-drop waterfall in Mauritius, Chamarel Waterfall, is a must-visit place while traveling in this part of the island. Surrounded by lush greenery and fed by two rivers, this waterfall is best to be seen in the rainy season (or after torrential rain) when the volume of the flowing water almost doubles. There is a nice sign that compares the height of the waterfall to the height of the Statue of Liberty (spoiler alert: they are about the same size) and explains more about the volcanic activity that shaped the landscape and the valley. The best part about visiting this waterfall is that you can easily see different lava layers from the viewing platform, which is really cool. The two viewing platforms offer stunning views of the waterfall (we liked the upper lookout more), and it's only a short walk from the parking lot, where you can safely park your car if you drive there by yourself. Note that Seven Colored Earth has a separate parking lot, so you need to drive a bit between these two attractions, but that's easy enough, so we do not have to discuss it here more thoroughly. The Chamarel Waterfall entrance fee is included in the ticket to Seven Colored Earth"


"Entrée payante pour voir cascade + terre 7 couleurs"


"Les cascades de chamarre sur le site des terre aux 7 couleurs sont divines ! "


"Magnifique chute de Chamarel qui se niche dans une végétation luxuriante. Prenez le petit chemin sur la droite pour accéder à un point de vue encore plus beau."


"Velky pekny vodopad, ale hodne turisticke misto"


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