Salmón Guru
Salmón Guru Salmón Guru Salmón Guru Salmón Guru Salmón Guru Salmón Guru Salmón Guru

Salmón Guru - Bar à cocktails innovants à Madrid

Salmón Guru est un bar à cocktails de renommée mondiale situé à Madrid. Depuis son ouverture il y a cinq ans, il est devenu le bar numéro un de la ville grâce à ses boissons excentriques et à son ambiance unique. Le cocktail Sangre de los Dioses est un exemple parfait de la créativité de Salmón Guru - un mélange de whisky single malt et de mezcal servi dans un pot en porcelaine en forme de loup cracheur de feu. Les cocktails sont servis dans des verres personnalisés et sont aussi beaux que savoureux. Le décor est tout aussi original, avec des éclairs au néon sur le plafond et des signes de bande dessinée projetés sur les murs. Mais ne vous laissez pas tromper par le style amusant et excentrique du bar : les menus de boissons et de nourriture sont parmi les meilleurs du secteur. Salmón Guru est un speakeasy à ne pas manquer si vous êtes à Madrid. Réservez votre table dès maintenant pour découvrir les cocktails les plus innovants de la ville.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Cocktails #Cocktail #Restaurant #Copas #Drinks
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"One of the worlds best bars."


"50 best: Having celebrated its five-year anniversary throughout 2021, Salmon Guru’s eccentric drinks continue to play a central role in making it Madrid’s number one destination bar. Its Sangre de los Dioses cocktail is a perfect example – a single-malt whisky and mezcal concoction served in a porcelain jar shaped like a fire-breathing spotted wolf. At least that’s what it looks like: this level of flamboyance combined with flawless execution is what makes Salmon Guru’s menus some of the most highly anticipated in Europe. The crazy nature of the drinks is also reflected in the decor, with neon lightning bolts lining the ceiling and comic book BAM signs projecting from the walls. But don’t let the fun, in-your-face style of the bar fool you: the drinks and food menus are some of the best in the business. Salmon Guru is voted by the 600-strong..."


"Découverte de cocktails variés Ambiance bar lounge "


"Pricey drinks but great atmosphere"


"Excellent cocktails with great atmosphere, food was just as good. Worth the wait, check it out "


"Cocktail particolari e molto buoni. NB: almeno un’ora di fila per entrare."


"Having celebrated its five-year anniversary throughout 2021, Salmon Guru’s eccentric drinks continue to play a central role in making it Madrid’s number one destination bar. Its Sangre de los Dioses cocktail is a perfect example – a single-malt whisky and mezcal concoction served in a porcelain jar shaped like a fire-breathing spotted wolf. At least that’s what it looks like: this level of flamboyance combined with flawless execution is what makes Salmon Guru’s menus some of the most highly anticipated in Europe. The crazy nature of the drinks is also reflected in the decor, with neon lightning bolts lining the ceiling and comic book BAM signs projecting from the walls. But don’t let the fun, in-your-face style of the bar fool you: the drinks and food menus are some of the best in the business. Salmon Guru is voted by the 600-strong..."


"Cocktails originaux, carte 3D, à essayer !"


"50 meilleurs bars du monde"


"Having celebrated its five-year anniversary throughout 2021, Salmon Guru’s eccentric drinks continue to play a central role in making it Madrid’s number one destination bar. Its Sangre de los Dioses cocktail is a perfect example – a single-malt whisky and mezcal concoction served in a porcelain jar shaped like a fire-breathing spotted wolf. At least that’s what it looks like: this level of flamboyance combined with flawless execution is what makes Salmon Guru’s menus some of the most highly anticipated in Europe. The crazy nature of the drinks is also reflected in the decor, with neon lightning bolts lining the ceiling and comic book BAM signs projecting from the walls. But don’t let the fun, in-your-face style of the bar fool you: the drinks and food menus are some of the best in the business. Salmon Guru is voted by the 600-strong..."


"No. 16 Worlds 100 Best Bars 2023 (22 in 2020) Destination bars are like trends: they’re meant to last until the next big thing comes along. And yet Salmon Guru has been Madrid’s destination bar for four years now. Maybe it’s for the quirky drinks, bursting — sometimes quite literally — with flavours and served in eye-catching custom glassware. Or the elegant interior, running the gamut from 1950s tropical to comics lounge and Hollywood opium den. Probably also for what owner Diego Cabrera calls ‘five-star service in a casual setting’. But if Salmon Guru remains a must-visit, it’s mostly because it never rests on its creative laurels. While the new menu — created with the help of anthropologists — has been put on hold by the pandemic, its ephemeral, travel-inspired series is already creating waves. This year, the team has explored how cocktails would ferment and evolve under sherry-like conditions. To be drunk to be believed."


"Sitio de copas muy original"


"Numéro 22 Du classement « The World’s 50 Best Bars 2020 »"


"Hyper style, bar a cocktail, needs réservation "


"The world's 50 Best Bar 2019 "


"Bevute incredibili! Da provare sicuro se passate da Madrid"


"Bar con una decoración increíble y unos cócteles impresionantes!! "


"19 eme meilleur au monde cocktail"


"Top 50 bars in the world, cool drinks (comes in baby heads etc)"


"Bar à cocktail incroyable !! "


"Premiada como una de las mejores coctelerías del mundo 🍷 "


"Mai Tai , el Pasión con ron, ron de coco, leche de coco loco, fruta de la pasión y zumo de piña. Más fuerte chipotle pillon "


"Cocktails espectaculares, buenos y bien decorados. Entre 10 y 12 pavos. Dec12, went on a date y vine arriba e invité. A veces hay cola."


Approuvé par 6 partenaires officiels
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