Ostello Bello Grande
Ostello Bello Grande Ostello Bello Grande Ostello Bello Grande Ostello Bello Grande Ostello Bello Grande
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454 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Hotel #Aperitivo #Drink #Colazione #Hostel
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Metro centrale FS Situation ideale à 2 minutes de la gare centrale. Lieu propre, eclectique et sympa mais un peu bruyant coté rue. Differentes options d’hebergement et beaucoup de praticité. Terrasse sur le toit + cuisine + de quoi faire à manger. Petit jardin tranquille au rdc, espace detente, coworking et evenements le soir. "


"Colazione a buffet 6€ dalle 7 alle 11"


"Perfetto per smartworking 👌 Première sortie avec Béatrice et Giusy"


"Economico e il posto giusto dove migliorare l’inglese. "


"Activités et internationaux"


"Colazione a buffet Video > https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiZc9XFqD62/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= "


"Chambres de 6 lits femmes - salle de bains privée pour la chambre, très propre. Verre de bienvenue et petit dej. Ultra bien situé juste à côté de la gare Centrale"




"Warm welcome, nice activities hosted by the hostel as usual with Ostello Bello. Classic female dorms with a private bathroom."


"Cool place and super cheap to have drinks. Also apparently you can just hang out without drinking 🙃"


"All’1 massimo solitamente ti mandano via "


"Very big hostel, they have a garden and a roofterrace. Also a kitchen and a bar. 6 levels in this building, a lot of rooms and people. It was an amazing stay, really worth it. Sometimes they give you the breakfast for free Place I've stayed 2-4 October 2021"


"Carino, ambiente super internazionale, trovi sempre gente interessante e ti diverti"


"This youth hostel is accessible and has a great terrace on the ground floor and on the rooftop. Your first drink is on the house ! It can be a bit noisy at night because of the youngsters being young but I was able to sleep without problem anyway (but think about earplugs if you are a light sleeper)"


"Petite auberge de jeunesse qui propose de boire des verres pour peu cher. Ambiance posée et familiale."


"Il mio posto preferito per un ape dopo lavoro con le colleghe. Mercoledì karaoke top!"


"Es un hostel. Cerveza por 5€. Karaoke"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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