Vinhas d'Alho
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Portugais #Poisson #Terrasse #Resto
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Mangez le fromage fondant en entrée Poulpe ou Bacalhao à Bras en plat"


"Restaurant avec la vue sur le Pont "


"restaurant avec une belle vue sur le fleuve"


"Restaurante a la orilla del río con vistas a Gaia y los puentes. Arroz con mariscos, bacalao, vino verde..."


"Pour la vue, Pour le soleil, Pour la dorade, Pour le Porto ! "

"Parfait déjeuner dominical Excellent "


"Ottima cena a base di polpo con verdure e baccalà alla griglia con patate e pomodori secchi io tutto accompagnato da sangria brancha . "


"Attention poisson entier et salade sans sauce. Mais le cadre est super. 5/10"


"Un peu cher, attention aux mouettes"


"Traditional Fado, reasonable price"

"Un peu cher mais muy bon !"


"On a warm summer evening you shouldn’t miss having dinner at Vinhas d’Alho, one of the best restaurants in Ribeira. It has two interior rooms and a terrace with a wonderful view of the Douro River and the Port wine cellars, making it a very romantic restaurant. The menu is not extensive but the quality is superb. When we went, we tried the cod with a dry tomato crust (18€) and the duck confit (slow cooked) with celery puree (18€). Both were delicious. It also has a huge list of tapas, as well as several salads (for those on a diet) and a children’s menu. We also appreciated the friendliness of the staff, who calmly explained the menu to us and even gave the couple at the table next to ours some tips about which monuments to visit. A rarity in Ribeira, believe me 🙂"


"combine delicious food with traditional Fado at this lovely little spot overlooking the river and Dom Luís I Bridge. It’s central, reasonably priced, and just far enough off of the main riverfront walk to not be considered a ‘tourist trap’."


"Touristique mais bon. Très belles vues "

"Vista sul fiume Douro. Ristorante un po'costoso per i canoni portoghesi ma bell'atmosfera,luci soffuse. Perfetto per cena romantica"


"Très bon restaurant avec jolie vue sur le pont "


"(in hoogseizoen sws) elke dag fado/live muziek"


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