Lincoln Memorial
Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial

Mémorial de Lincoln à Washington DC - Monument emblématique et vue imprenable

Le Mémorial de Lincoln, situé au cœur de Washington, DC, est un monument emblématique qui offre une vue imprenable sur la ville. Conçu dans le style dorique grec, ce monument majestueux se dresse à l'extrémité ouest du National Mall. De ses marches, vous pourrez contempler le monument de Washington, le Mémorial de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et même le Capitole des États-Unis au loin. Conçu par l'architecte Henry Bacon, le Mémorial de Lincoln s'inspire des temples anciens de Grèce. Ses colonnes massives et élégantes représentent les trente-six États de l'Union à l'époque, chacune portant le nom d'un État. Au centre se trouve la statue monumentale de Lincoln, sculptée dans du marbre géorgien, regardant vers le Capitole. Les deux petites cellas renferment les discours célèbres de Lincoln, gravés sur les murs. Le Mémorial de Lincoln est le théâtre de nombreux rassemblements publics et discours historiques, dont le célèbre discours de Martin Luther King en 1963. En tant que symbole de la démocratie et de la liberté, ce monument est l'un des plus importants des États-Unis.

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"- énorme temple de style néo-classique"


"Run to Capitol and back, beautiful."


"Was under construction but still a cool sight. You can see the Washington monument very well from the top of the steps. "


"Washington DC, United States"


"Don’t forget to look for the spot where MLK, Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. So many tourists were stepping over it and not seeing the spot. "


"In the middle of Washington, DC, is a large park area, the National Mall, and dominating the west end of this stands the Lincoln Memorial. From the steps of the monument, a view stretches across the long reflection pond to the obelisk of the Washington Monument, the National World War II Monument, and away in the distance to the U.S. Capitol. The prolific architect Henry Bacon designed the Lincoln Memorial as his final project and chose as his model the ancient temples of Greece. The gleaming white structure that stands an imposing 190 feet (57 m) long, 119 feet (36 m) wide, and 100 feet (30 m) high comprises a central cella, flanked by two smaller cellas, surrounded by thirty-six massive, fluted Doric columns (a further two columns stand at the entrance behind the colonnade). The magnificent columns correspond to the thirty-six states that formed the Union at that time, and above each column is carved the name of each state. The central cella houses the monumental statue of Lincoln, which was carved over a period of four years under the direction of Daniel Chester French. The sculpture gazes across the reflection pond to the Capitol and was carved from Georgian marble, whereas the building itself was constructed from Indiana limestone and Colorado Yule marble. The two smaller cellas contain the Gettysburg Address and Lincoln's second inaugural address, both inscribed on the wall. Above them are the two large murals Reunion and Emancipation, by the French artist Jules Guerin. Lincoln's memorial is the scene of many public gatherings and protests, with one of the most famous addresses being Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech in 1963. The memorial is intensely moving and, as a statement of democracy and the first positive steps to freedom, is one of the United States's most important monuments."


"Bornant l'extrémité ouest du Mal, le monument est dédié à Abraham Lincoln. À gauche de Lincoln on peut lire les mots de Gettysburg Adress son fameux discours. C'est depuis les marchés du monument que fut prononcé le discours "I have a Dream" de Martin Luther King."

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