The Museum at FIT
The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT
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#Museum #Musée #Museo #Musee #Fashion
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"From coats to capes, and ball gowns to outerwear, the culture of Fashion is the mission at this beloved museum filled with sartoria surprises. Housed inside the Fashion Institute of Technology (FID), this is where you can revel in fashions from the past, while glimpsing clothing concepts for the future. The main foor Fashion & Textile History Gallery is a feast of dresses, gowns, hats, and trousers. Drawing on a permanent collec tion of 50,000 pieces, there is a staggering assortment to choose from. Selections rotate every six months but always cover 250 years of fashion history. Look for designers like Balenciaga, Dior, Chanel, Halston, and Yves Saint Laurent. Shoe-obsessed fans, step right up and prepare yourself for shoe envy: the museum archive holds 4,000 pairs. You'll also see hats, lingerie, swimwear, and costume jewelry. Viewed up close, it's the small details that delight, including delicate pleats, graceful collars, and bold prints. Immersed inside these quiet galleries, it's easy to understand the intersection between fashion and art. Part of the fun here is watching the FIT design students milling about. With sketch pads in hand, groups of them peer closely at a garment and carefully examine the pockets, cuffs, and hem. It's a treat to see what they are wearing and to guess who might be the design star of the future. On the lower level, temporary exhibitions offer fresh perspectives and sometimes push stylistic boundaries. It might be a look at corsets, contemporary ideas on denim, or gothic inspired dark glamor. The emphasis is on 'directional looks that shape fashion history, featur ing current designers like Vivienne Westwood, Rick Owens, or Rei Kawakubo. Try to plan your visit to the museum in May, when FIT design students are showing their graduation projects. It's a real life Project Runway, and you get to be the judge."


"Specialised museum on fashion, admittance is free"


"Fashin Instistute Technology (FIT) est une école réputée, Calvin Klein y fut élève. Le musée qui lui est rattaché mérite la visite pour ses expositions thématiques souvent somptueuses et toujours passionantes."


"Gratuit Ouvert sauf lund et mardi (12h-20h) Week:10h-17h"


"Wed-Fri: 12-8pm Sat-Sun: 10am-5pm Closed: Mon-Tue FREE"


"Musée de la mode. Gratuit !"


"École mode - entrée gratuite "


"admission is free and there are always exhibits in so if walking by worth to pop in. They have events on also usually free like readings, discussions, etc."


"Musee de la mode. Reco ADD"


"Musée de la mode gratuit omg "


"Musée gratuit sur la mode. Beaucoup d’étudiants en mode y vienne. Gratuit à voir"


"Un musée pour les fashionistas. Plus de 50 000 pièces sont exposées : robes, accessoires, chaussures, bijoux, etc. Le musée revient également sur l'influence aujourd'hui des plus grands designers mondiaux parmi lesquels Chanel et Dior."


"FREE admission — Minimalism Maximalism exhibit"


"This is a free museum all based on fashion and textiles, featuring work from students and faculty at FIT"


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