Green-Wood Cemetery
Green-Wood Cemetery Green-Wood Cemetery Green-Wood Cemetery Green-Wood Cemetery Green-Wood Cemetery Green-Wood Cemetery Green-Wood Cemetery Green-Wood Cemetery Green-Wood Cemetery

Green-Wood Cemetery - Cimetière Historique de Brooklyn

Le Green-Wood Cemetery, fondé en 1838, est l'un des lieux les plus magnifiquement aménagés de New York. Ses routes sinueuses serpentent à travers les collines et passent devant des tombeaux élaborés, des statues et des mausolées. Promenez-vous le long des sentiers sinueux pour découvrir des milliers de sculptures funéraires, des animaux aux anges, des obélisques aux temples. Ce cimetière, l'un des premiers cimetières ruraux américains, abrite environ 570 000 personnes. Sa mission est de rester un musée en plein air racontant l'histoire de Brooklyn et de la nation. Certains des monuments les plus élaborés ont acquis une renommée culte, comme la tombe de Charlotte Canda, conçue par elle-même sans le savoir. Ne manquez pas la collection d'art du Green-Wood, comprenant environ 400 œuvres appartenant à des personnes inhumées ici. Le cimetière a également organisé de petites expositions avec certaines de ces œuvres au fil des ans. Découvrez des monuments grandioses lors des Twilight Tours du Green-Wood.

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"Tomb of Secrets is cute, never did the catacombs…"


"Green Wood Cemctery is one of the most beautifully landscaped places in New York. Curving roads wind up hills and past elaborate tombs, statues, and mausoleums. Walk down the winding lanes to fnd thousands of graveside sculptures, from animals to angels, and obelisks to temples. "This was New Yorks first museum," manager of programs Harry Weil savs. "People would come here to see the sculpture long before the Met was established." Indeed, this was the Victorian hot spot to picnic and socialize, a public park before there were public parks. Founded in 1838, Green-Wood was one of America's first rural cem-eteries, and some 570,000 people are buried here. The mission at Green-Wood is to remain an outdoor museum that tells the history of Brooklyn and the nation. It's no surprise that some of the more elaborate graves here have a cult following, like the 1845 grave of Charlotte Canda, who unknowingly designed her own grave. She died in New York in a carriage accident on her 17th birthday. Before her death, she had been designing a gothic revival monument for her late aunt. But when she died, her father turned that design into a monument for his daughter. To add to the poignancy, Charlotte's fiancé Charles Albert Jarrett de la Marie later committed suicide. He is buried near Charlotte. Green-Wood also has its own collection of art - some 400 pieces once owned or painted by people buried here. "We refer to those pieces as 'works by our permanent residents," Weil muses. Over the years, the cemetery has mounted little exhibitions with some of these works. Don't miss French artist Sophie Calle's 2017 site-specific art installation, Here Lie the Secrets of The Visitors of Green-Wood Ceme-tery, where you can scribble your intimate secrets onto papers and lay them to rest inside a grave designed by the artist. See more grand grave markers on Green-Wood's Twilight Tours."


"Leonard Bernstein: Composer, conductor, author, music lecturer, and pianist. He led the New York Philharmonic in more than 1,200 performances and is very well-known for being the composer of the musical, ‘West Side Story’. That might ring a bell! Samuel Morse: Creator of telegraph system, known as the Morse Code. There is a small replica by his grave; Jean-Michel Basquiat: A super renowned contemporary artist that at a very young age, became internationally known. Unfortunately, he died of a heroin overdose at his art studio at the age of 27; William Poole: AKA Bill the Butcher that was portrayed in Martin Scorsese’s “Gangs of New York” by Daniel Day-Lewis; William Colgate: Yup! The founder of the Colgate empire. I’m sure you’ve already use at least one of his products. DeWitt Clinton: Former US Senator, former Mayor of New York City and 6th Governor of New York. Was largely responsible for the construction of the Erie Canal. Remember your history class?"


"Magnifique cimetière, le Père Lachaise avec de vastes étendus d’herbes et d’arbres centenaires. Une vue sublime sur Manhattan. On y est seul et heureux "


"équivalent du père-lachaise"


"Très visité. Vue aussi sur Manhattan et la statue de la liberté "


"GREENWOOD CEMETERY Stunning Gothic arches lead to the resting place of notable New Yorkers- -FA.O. Schwartz, Boss Tweed, and Jean-Michel Basquiat among them. [Not to mention the colonies of blue-green monk parrots.] It's wonderfully tranquil--hills and valleys, glacial ponds and war monuments. goo 1sth Street,"


"GREENWOOD CEMETERY Stunning Gothic arches lead to the resting place of notable New Yorkers- -FA.O. Schwartz, Boss Tweed, and Jean-Michel Basquiat among them. [Not to mention the colonies of blue-green monk parrots.] It's wonderfully tranquil--hills and valleys, glacial ponds and war monuments. goo 1sth Street,"


"En haut de la colline du cimetière "


"outdoor jazz in the spring and summer, secret chapel sessions in winter"


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