Mausolée de Lénine
Mausolée de Lénine Mausolée de Lénine Mausolée de Lénine Mausolée de Lénine Mausolée de Lénine Mausolée de Lénine Mausolée de Lénine Mausolée de Lénine Mausolée de Lénine
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"Moscow Municipality, Moscow City, Russia"


"Attention, les sacs à dos et les appareils photo sont interdits. Des guides parlant des langues étrangères, pour une somme de 250 RUB, vous "


"UNESCO World Heritage On the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924) there were calls from the communist faithful to be allowed to pay their respects to their hero. In response, the revolutionary's body was embalmed and a mausoleum swiftly constructed from wood. This was later replaced by a larger wooden structure, but when the demand to file past the body showed no signs of diminishing, the communist authorities constructed a permanent memorial. Work started in Red Square in 1929 and was completed the following year. The new stone mausoleum was built as a stepped pyramid, faced with red granite, porphyry, and black labradorite. The inscription "Lenin" was carved above the bronze doors, which were flanked by a guard of honor. Inside the mausoleum is the memorial hall where the glass sarcophagus containing Lenin's body is held for public view. Lenin's body has been remarkably well preserved, so much so that there have been suspicions that the body has been replaced by a wax model, although the authorities decline to comment on the matter. In 1953 Lenin was joined by the embalmed body of Josef Stalin, although in 1961 the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had Stalin's body removed to a burial place within the Kremlin. During the period 1924 to 1972 some ten million people filed past Lenin's body, and today it remains both a popular tourist destination and a place of communist pilgrimage. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the mausoleum has been downgraded by the state, with upkeep and administration the responsibility of private institutions. Calls for the mausoleum to be closed- by Boris Yeltsin among others- have been resisted by Lenin supporters. Ironically, all the communist leaders whose bodies have been preserved--Lenin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, and Kim Il-sung-wished to be cremated."


"L'imposant mausolée de Lénine sur la place rouge."


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