Teatro Antico di Taormina
Teatro Antico di Taormina Teatro Antico di Taormina Teatro Antico di Taormina Teatro Antico di Taormina Teatro Antico di Taormina Teatro Antico di Taormina Teatro Antico di Taormina Teatro Antico di Taormina

Teatro Antico di Taormina - Monument historique et culturel

Le Teatro Antico di Taormina est un monument historique de l'Antiquité grecque situé à Taormine, une petite ville pittoresque en Sicile. Ce magnifique théâtre antique offre une vue imprenable sur la ville, la baie et l'imposant mont Etna. Avec son architecture remarquable, il est un véritable témoignage de la culture et de l'histoire de la région. Le théâtre est ouvert aux visites et propose une expérience unique pour les amateurs d'histoire et d'art. Venez découvrir ce monument exceptionnel et plongez dans l'atmosphère de l'époque grecque. Un billet d'entrée de 10€ vous permettra de profiter de cette expérience inoubliable.

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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"L’attrattiva principale di Taormina è il suo teatro greco dalla perfetta forma a ferro di cavallo, sospeso tra mare e cielo e con l’Etna che si staglia all’orizzonte verso sud. Costruito nel III secolo a.C., vanta la posizione più scenografica di tutti i teatri greci del mondo ed è il secondo per ampiezza della Sicilia (dopo quello di Siracusa). D’estate ospita concerti e festival di vario genere. Per evitare le folle dell’alta stagione, visitatelo la mattina presto. Sul portale www.parconaxostaormina.com troverete informazioni utili anche sugli altri siti e musei archeologici dell’area."


"Exceptionnel site de l’Antiquite grecque dont le décor est l’Etna "


"Joli théâtre antique qui offre une superbe vue sur la ville de Taormine et l’Etna. "


"Superbe théâtre antique avec 1 vue imprenable sur la baie. 13,50€ l'entrée"




"y aller tôt le matin avant l'afflux de touristes"


"lieu visité pendant mon voyage scolaire en 2010"


"Following the destruction of the Greek colony of Naxos, Sicily, in 403 B.c.E., exiles reestablished themselves on a steep, rocky hillside 3 miles (5 km) to the north, on the Hill of Taurus. A fortified town was built on the hillside and eventually, when Sicily became a Roman province, the town enjoyed a privileged position as a Roman colony. Since the late nineteenth century, Taormina has been a popular tourist destination, initially with artists and writers, including Goethe, who extolled its virtues in his book Flight to Italy. As well as its spectacular natural beauty, overlooking the lonian Sea and with Mount Etna-Europe's highest active volcano -in the background, Taormina is scattered with reminders of its ancient history: parts of the old city walls, the Roman naumachia, the thirteenth-century cathedral of St. Niccolò-and the remarkably well-preserved amphitheater, which — though not the largest — can claim to be one of the most beautifully located in Europe. The theater, 350 feet (106 m) in diameter, is built of brick, which suggests that the present structure dates from the Roman period; because of its layout, however, it is probable that it was built on the foundations of an earlier, Greek theater. The amphitheater is still used today for operatic and theatrical performances, and concerts. It is also the location for the annual Taormina Film Festival, when films are viewed on a screen erected in the theater."


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